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I got 2 questions for you guys. (Nooby questions)

Posted by ThatNoobyGuy 
I got 2 questions for you guys. (Nooby questions)
March 27, 2011 05:51PM
I have seen many, many videos on Homebrew but 2 things in particular have got me wondering.

1. After installing the Homebrew channel, can i use my USB External Hard Drive to run the apps? My SD is only 2GB and I wanna have a lot of stuff.

2. Can I get "Channels" for my Apps? For example, can I get a channel for a Nintendo 64 emulator so I don't have to boot up the Homebrew channel every time?

Thanks for reading.
Re: I got 2 questions for you guys. (Nooby questions)
March 27, 2011 06:25PM
1. yes you can use a external hd to use for your apps set it up like your sd card, you have a apps folder for HBC

2. yes you can get a channel for the emu's but it can be risky, if you can't have bootmii as boot2 it can be risky. I don't have channels I would rather just load them from HBC when I want to play them.
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