Ok, I was waiting for bootmii beta 2 and now I tried did not load for me, I get the load message once I click yes to load boot.elf/dol my screen goes black the only option I would have to hold down the power button. here what I did:
I got the WII two weeks ago, I installed the homebrew channel 1.0.1with help from bannerbomb I was able to load all the progs from homebrew browser v0.3.1 that was all under 3.4U, when I got Gecko wan't able to load backup disc, so I formatted the memory, and looked around somehow ended up upgrading the WII to 4.0U tried to use the downgrade to 3.2 I followed the instruction when I used DowngradeIOS35, it worked the rest of the instructions gave error 2021 and 1035.
I got one time a message said that my system is corrupted but I unplugged the power and powered back up it worked fine.
so now I am not sure what I need to do, did I do some damages to the wii by trying to downgrade that is why bootmii not installing, I am able to load Mplayer and play video.
Thank for you help