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Exception when running hackmii-installer

Posted by linc 
Exception when running hackmii-installer
August 13, 2009 11:24AM
I hope this is the right place to post these things.

I put the aad1f_v108.zip and hackmii_installer_beta2.zip on my sd card (renaming and so on ofcourse), following the instructions on the wiki. Since I have a very old wii (bought it the day it came out), it wanted to install bootmii as boot2.

I followed the wiki instructions and first installed HBC, which went ok, then the DVDx, which also went ok. Then, when I tried to install BootMii, I got an exception and the consoel froze. The exception is posted below.

I'm not sure if this is serious or not, since everything seems to work fine -- except when I click on the "SD" icon in the wii menu when my SD card is inserted, it freezes (also posted below). The HBC and the BootMii menu seems fine though.

My Wii is running the v4.1E update.


I am a pretty advanced computer user, but I have almost no clue regarding the Wii, so if you have any suggestions, please regard me as a noob. Thanks. :)
Re: Exception when running hackmii-installer
August 13, 2009 11:56AM
Delete the bannerbomb files from your SD card (just delete the private folder, and if you have one, rename the privateold folder to private). That'll stop the freezing. If BootMii and HBC are working, I dont think you have anything to worry about. The Wii occasionally throws out a DSi Exception for no real reason. Just take a NAND dump, and then enjoy your homebrew.
Re: Exception when running hackmii-installer
August 13, 2009 12:14PM
Just the answer I was hoping for. Thanks! :)
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