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Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!

Posted by tecmodell42 
Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 04, 2011 08:14PM
I have a 2gb sandisk SD card. I have the private folder from smash stack on the root of the sd card, and the boot.elf file from hackmii installer v.08 on the root of the card as well. I've made sure to have no custom stages on stage builder when I go in, and have also played the game, so as to create some sort of memory state onto the wii hard drive for smash bros.

Yet, when I go into stage builder, when it's supposed to automatically load the boot.elf file, it does absolutely nothing. Please help. I've followed every direction to it's fullest, and cannot seem to figure out where I've gone wrong! Thanks in advance!
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 04, 2011 08:29PM
...and oh i'm running 4.3u wii, and my sd card is formatted under file system: fat

I think i read somewhere that it has to be fat16, or fat32. can i, and if so, how do i reformat this?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2011 08:43PM by tecmodell42.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 04, 2011 08:48PM
You can try starting from scratch (download again, copy to SD card, etc.) and make sure everything is set up correctly.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 04, 2011 08:57PM
If you want to try and reformat, just right click the drive in My Computer and click Format. In Windows.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 04, 2011 09:07PM
Yah, I've restarted with no success. I deleted everything off of the sd card. Created a SSBB save state (as to create an initial private folder on the sd card). Took it out of the Wii, placed it into the computer, renamed private to private-old. Re-added the files: private folder (Smash_stack_JP) and boot.elf file (hackmii installer v.08). Went back into stage builder, no files exist on wii console or sd card, and nothing happens. The SSBB is made in US.

If Fat = Fat16. No need to reformat? What else could I be doing wrong!?
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 04, 2011 09:10PM
Why are you using Smash Stack JP if your game is the US version?
Use the US version of Smash Stack.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 04, 2011 10:22PM
I'm a newb. So when on the smash stack page, I just assumed I'd use the 'download' from the closest to the bottom of the page.

I guess I just didn't realize the distinction of the two downloads available on the page. So I'm not quite sure which are on there, cause I'm away, but I'm guessing it is JP (which I DL) and is it YS? Is YS the .extension I want?

Thanks! Can't wait to try this out!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2011 10:27PM by tecmodell42.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 04, 2011 11:49PM
YS is the author of the Japanese Smash Stack. It is a zip file I believe. Download the US version by comex.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2011 11:58PM by bg4545.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 05, 2011 04:19AM
FAT32 is the best format for the HBC cause most homebrew supports that. Also, why would you choose the Japan smash stack. It had Japanese symbols on the picture. You should be able to load the hackmii installer perfectly. Btw, rename private to privateold, not private-old.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 05, 2011 04:23AM
Btw, rename private to privateold, not private-old.
That's totally irrelevant.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 05, 2011 07:15AM
Ok, great I downloaded the US file, and it worked out just fine.

So now I have the homebrew channel. However, I've downloaded the homebrew browser, and have placed it into my 'app' folder, within the smash stack private folder, and the homebrew channel does absolutely nothing. I just see bubbles floating, and wifi connectivity symbol on the bottom right.

When I hit my home button from the wii controller, it takes me to a screen with these options:
launch bootmii
exit to system menu

When I hit launch bootmii, it brings me to a screen with four icons: wii, the homebrew channel, sd card, and some sort of icon that looks like it has gears. However, at this point, my wii controller has no functionality. It's almost as if it is frozen on this bootmii page, or I need to use a wired controller of some sort.

When I hit the '1' button on my wii controller it takes me to an options screen when I can select a device (sd, usb, sdgecko slot a, sdgecko slot b) - and also a sort applications by: name, date, etc.

Any help in getting this up and going would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks!!
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 05, 2011 07:33AM
I think you should read a little more carefully. The "apps" folder should not be in the "private" folder. BootMii requires you to use a GameCube controller or use the buttons on the front of the Wii itself.
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 05, 2011 09:35AM
After reading more carefully, I created the apps folder in the root of the sd card, and everything seems to be working fine.

Thank you sooo very much everyone for all of your help within this thread. It is greatly appreciated! :)
Re: Smash Stack won't work, PLEASE HELP!
February 05, 2011 12:01PM
In Bootmii, press the power button to scroll through the options and the reset button to select one. Select the gears option, then the green arrow towards the SD card from the chip to backup the files on your Wii.
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