Not sure if this is the right place... or if this question is even allowed given the ugly red letters above the entry box here, but I gotta ask anyway.
Here's my situation. My Wii has been off but plugged in for several months. I turned off WC24 because of an issue that causes corruption on GC save cards (personally tested and confirmed). Now I get a System Files Corrupted error when attempting to get into the Wii system settings and the general consensus seems to be "pay Nintendo $80 to have them fix it."
Well, I don't have $80 laying around and I don't use this system enough to justify official repair cost to fix an issue that shouldn't have happened. I'm also not about to pay Nintendo more money for a faulty piece of hardware that wiped out ALL of my saved data from years of playing GC games. I'll sooner spend that money on mods to let me dump my discs and play them on emulators... but I digress.
I would like to know if there is any homebrew that will let me reinstall System Menu 4.3. I am hoping this will fix the problem.
I have already taken steps to enable homebrew and backup my NAND, though having a backup of a corrupt system doesn't seem very useful.
Alternately, I could try using AnyTitleDeleter but I would like more detailed information on what is and is not safe to delete before I go mucking around with that.
If there are any homebrew tools to help find the corruption I would love to know about them. I've been searching but haven't even found a single discussion thread except for ones about the official diagnostic disc and I highly doubt Nintendo will let copies of that live very long in the wild.
Your help is much appreciated.
Current system status:
Latest BootMii and HBC have been installed. (Again, I stress that the System Files became corrupt
before I started using any unofficial software.)
Corruption may have gotten worse as the system will now frequently hang at the Health and Safety screen and I am no longer able to get into the data management screen.
Disc games still appear to run ok and saving to NAND worked before BootMii/HBC install (have not tried playing a game since)
NAND Backup tool detected only 2 bad blocks and they were both factory marked.
(Edit: Additional note: I tried to copy all of my saves off before applying BootMii/HBC. I was only able to recover a few saves, most of my saves would not copy. The name of a homebrew tool that might help backup the remaining saves would also be appreciated. Even if I can't recover the system I would at least like to recover my saves if at all possible.)
Sorry for the long post, thanks for taking the time to read it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2012 10:23PM by ooarashi.