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Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U

Posted by dlp502 
Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
January 22, 2013 01:58AM
I've read so much that I am getting confused on what I need to download. I have purchased a 2 gb SD card and a card reader. Do I also need to by a Wii game like LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures or is there something else I can use? Are there specific HBC applications I need to download to my SD card to get it to work as a DVD player?
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
January 22, 2013 02:46AM
You don't need a game at the moment, just use Letterbomb. [[url=http://wiisixtyfour.webs.com/WHG/Letterbomb.htm]Guide here.[/url]]
In order to watch DVD videos you need a media app such as WiiMC [[url=http://www.wiimc.org/]Link[/url]]
Also, keep in mind that newer Wiis bought cannot play DVDs, so it may not work if your Wii is not at least a few years old.
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
January 23, 2013 11:25PM
Thanks BG4545!! Was wondering if I also need to install the WiiMC Channel Installer?
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
January 23, 2013 11:57PM
The WiiMC channel isn't necessary, it's just a matter of convenience. Basically running the channel installer [i.e. installing the channel; you don't install the installer ;)] will make a "channel" appear on the Wii's main menu screen ("System Menu"), in the same way HBC appears there, or official channels like the Shop Channel appear there. Loading that channel will take you straight into WiiMC, instead of having to load HBC, wait for it to load up, select WiiMC and then wait for it to load up. Saves a couple of clicks and maybe a few seconds.

If you are going to use WiiMC a lot, it's probably worthwhile. I have it installed on my Wii as it's one of my most frequently used homebrew apps. For everything else, I just go through HBC.
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
January 24, 2013 03:19AM
I have installed the WiiMC and when I put my dvd in to play I get the following message:

DVD playback is not supported on this Wii.

Am I missing something (do I need to download something else) or does this mean that my Wii will not play dvds even after I did the letterbomb hack?
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
January 24, 2013 05:15AM
It means you can't play dvd's you have one of the newer wii's that can't play dvd's.
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
January 25, 2013 12:52AM
Dang...We used to have a playstation 2 and used it to play dvds. Shame we sold it. Thanks for Everyone's help!!
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
January 25, 2013 01:51AM
Cheer up, DVD players are dirt cheap these days anyway. You can probably pick one up at your local supermarket for ~$20 or whatever your local currency is.
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
February 10, 2013 04:27AM
You don't need a game at the moment, just use Letterbomb. [[url=http://wiisixtyfour.webs.com/WHG/Letterbomb.htm]Guide here.[/url]]
In order to watch DVD videos you need a media app such as WiiMC [[url=http://www.wiimc.org/]Link[/url]]
Also, keep in mind that newer Wiis bought cannot play DVDs, so it may not work if your Wii is not at least a few years old.

Well, I finally got everything installed (HBC, WiiMC, and Mplayer CE) and now I realized that my new Wii can't play DVDs. What is the reason for this? Is anyone working on a fix or has Nintendo finally outfoxed everyone?

Also, when trying out Mplayer CE and trying to install the WiiMC channel my WiiMote just shuts off. Is that because it has wii motion plus? Is there a workaround?
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
February 10, 2013 02:12PM
Older Wiis had disc drives which still had DVD read commands available (i.e. they had the ability to read commercial DVDs and also DVD-Rs). Nintendo removed those commands from the firmware of later drives, so there is no way to read DVDs on the Wiis with those newer drives. I think you can replace the drive if you can find an older one, but it's probably not worth the hassle.

As for the wii remote shutting off: it is likely due to it being a Wii Motion Plus, yes. Recently compiled homebrew should have no issue, but I guess maybe the channel installer hasn't been recompiled in a while? Make sure you are using the latest version from wiimc.org. As for MPlayer CE, there is no reason to use it, all functionality it has is implemented in WiiMC, with a nice GUI.
Re: Novice - Want to use Wii as a DVD player V4.3U
February 11, 2013 03:19AM
ughh... I guess I will just have to break down and buy a dvd/blu-ray player for the living room. I suprised Nintendo even allowed netflix and Hulu, since they seem determined not to have their console used as a home media device.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2013 03:17PM by evoblade.
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