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Can't see letterbomb on wii 4.3

Posted by Dbrown 
Can't see letterbomb on wii 4.3
July 23, 2015 04:14PM
I've just followed all the steps on wiibrew to install letterbomb on my wii. Software is 4.3e. I give in the mac adress on the site and click the buttom, I copy the files to my fat 32 SD HC card. When I enter the SD card in my wii, I check my inbox for today, yesterday, the day before yesterday and a lot of other days, but I can't see a letterbomb logo. What should I do now? I've tried it/downloaded it a couple of times, but the problem remains...
Re: Can't see letterbomb on wii 4.3
July 24, 2015 01:23PM
Make sure the date is set correctly on the wii and that you have played any game at least once.
Re: Can't see letterbomb on wii 4.3
July 25, 2015 12:56PM
Date is correct and I just played a game, but still I don't see the letterbomb. I mean, the steps you have to do aren't really hard, so I really don't understand what's the problem :)
Edit: I just tried it with this site: [letterbomb.basst.nl]
I click on the letterbomb file and then I see a blackscreen with nothing on it (freezes). I reboot and try again --> black screen again.
When I try with the original site of letterbomb --> no letterbomb in my inbox
Very strange

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2015 03:15PM by Dbrown.
Re: Can't see letterbomb on wii 4.3
July 28, 2015 12:52PM
I tried an other SD card and it worked immediatly! Thanks for the help though
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