Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 13, 2009 09:34AM
Is this possible to implement? Well, I am sure it is possible, as anything is ;) It would just be great not to have bootmii rely on the HBC installed on an IOS and instead boot it directly from the SD card. Perhaps a pre- configured .elf that would reside in the bootmii folder and execute when that command were selected in bootmii. Good or bad idea?
Re: Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 13, 2009 03:26PM
How would BootMii/IOS users use BootMii, then?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2009 11:33PM by WikiFSX.
Re: Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 13, 2009 06:25PM
How would BootMii/IOS users use the Homebrew Channel, then?

of course this is nonsense for IOS users of bootmii but it REALLY would be great to use the hbc right from sd.

if this were possible, nintendo had no way to stop the hbc unless they stop bootmii entirely.
Re: Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 13, 2009 07:46PM
How would BootMii/IOS users use the Homebrew Channel, then?

Well, you can *still* installas an IOS. As stated in the last post, it wouldn't be very useful to non-boot2 users, but would be GREAT for the boot2 people.
Re: Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 13, 2009 08:18PM
You know, I was just thinking about this on a deeper level:

Yes, it would be great to be able to run the HBC on card, and yes it would stop the big N from completely eliminate the HBC (unless of course they attack boot2), but what IS the homebrew channel really?

It is a way and means to load homebrew from within the Wii of course. But bootmii is much more than that. It is not relying on the Wii (for the most part) to execute code and opens up the entire system to us. In other words, the goal (at least as I am perceiving it) is to be able to boot any code we write, directly from inside of bootmii, and not at all have to rely on the Wii to do so.

This does not mean that bootmii makes the HBC obsolete (yet) and I stand by my thinking that an sd card version of the HBC should absolutely be included/incorporated into bootmii (boot2).
Re: Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 15, 2009 05:10PM
So long as you get a Dol/Elf of the HBC you can put it on your SD and load it from the SD icon in bootmii
Re: Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 15, 2009 11:34PM
Sorry, I had my statement wrong. What I meant was that BootMii/IOS users would then be unable to start BootMii.
Re: Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 16, 2009 08:33AM
So long as you get a Dol/Elf of the HBC you can put it on your SD and load it from the SD icon in bootmii
Almost right, but not entirely. This since HBC runs under IOS, whereas all stuff run from the SD icon in BootMii run under MINI.

You would have to make a launcher that runs under MINI, that in turn launches HBC under IOS.
Re: Boot HBC (on card) from Bootmii....
June 16, 2009 01:26PM
Isn't the HBC installed as a channel on the wii. Therefore to make it run from the sd card would be giving warez people a way to load wads etc from bootmii?
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