To elaborate on what SifJar said, cIOSCorp/DarkCorp works on the principal that to load a backup, you need a cIOS, so if every IOS is a cIOS, you can load backups through the system menu. Good in theory, and it could even be good in practice, however, there are some key flaws with it.
First off: not every IOS needs the Trucha bug, whether it's a cIOS or not shouldn't matter, for Wankynono's cIOS I can understand it, but not for the devs of cIOSCrap putting it in every single one, it's just unnecessary, and causes issues like the one you're having
Secondly: the DIP module they use is unstable, which can cause problems... lots of them. They use a version of Wankynono's DIP module... an older version.
Third (and final that I can think of): And this here is the big one. It maxes out all the version numbers. They do this for an understandable reason, it prevents Nintendo from updating them, and thusly makes it less likely to brick your Wii when an update does come out, unfortunately, the System Menu still updates, and that can brick your Wii.
My solution to fixing cIOSCrap and make it...somewhat decent: Only put the Trucha Bug in IOS249 or IOS36, your choice, update the DIP module for christsakes, Keep the version numbers, Patch the system menu to have a stupid high version number, and block updates, disk and network, this will prevent your system from ever thinking you need an update, while keeping your IOSes somewhat stable.