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One-time-only HBC without permanent Soft-Modding!

Posted by XICO2KX 
One-time-only HBC without permanent Soft-Modding!
July 25, 2010 02:07PM
Hello all! :)
I was wondering if it was possible to create a special software to put in a SD card or in a USB pen that loaded the needed stuff in the Wii (using for example the BannerBomb exploit) to install the HomeBrew Channel, but without permanently soft-modding the console... :P

I mean, if we turned it off and on again it would be an untouched/virgin Wii again! :D
And if we wanted to get the channel again, we had to temporarily install it every time!
Something like some sort of a "Live Bootable Linux OS USB Flashdrive on a Windows OS system", if you get the idea! lol

I think it would be a great tool for everyone who doesn't want to modify their console, or if they go to some friends house just to play a game but don't want to mess with their friend's console! :P
What do you think? Can this be done? Is there any way? ;)
Re: One-time-only HBC without permanent Soft-Modding!
July 25, 2010 04:47PM
Run loadmii via an exploit (bannerbomb, indiana pwns, etc.)
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