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Audio Library from Media Player

Posted by ShinCrusader 
Audio Library from Media Player
May 05, 2010 08:26AM
So I was wondering; has anyone tried to take the audio engine from, say, DragonMedia Player and port it into an independent library so it can be used in other games (or maybe some of the other media players or editors, such as Schism Tracker)? I actually looked through the source for DMP, though I'm a tad fuzzy on where to get started with such a task.

Just wondering. ^__^
Re: Audio Library from Media Player
May 05, 2010 09:09AM
port? why port? just compile the functions you need as a ".a" file and link that beast to whatever you want.
Re: Audio Library from Media Player
May 06, 2010 01:56AM
libogc itself has functions for playing MP3 and OGG. What more do you want?
Re: Audio Library from Media Player
May 06, 2010 02:02AM
libogc itself has functions for playing MP3 and OGG. What more do you want?

o_o;; Oh, it's not that! I was mostly curious because I prefer the tracker formats such as XM and S3M (which gcmodplay doesn't support). If nothing else, I'd probably end up finding a way to make GRRLIB and SDL play nice so I can use the latter for audio, but overall I was just wondering.
Re: Audio Library from Media Player
May 06, 2010 02:32AM
Oh, okay. I just made my original comment because MP3 and OGG are the main file types people usually use DMP to play.

Your best bet is probably to follow giantpunes advice to 'steal' DMP's functions and make your own library or (much easier imo) just add them directly into your code.
Re: Audio Library from Media Player
May 13, 2010 07:52AM
DMP has them almost precompiled... so not much joy in porting DMP... instead you should rip the music playing parts (which are mostly for integrating music play instead of handing actual file formats) from DMP and try to compile underlying libraries...
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