Thanks mdbrim, i fixed and released a new version, thanksby the_marioga - Coding
Thanks mdbrid, yes i have an IRC, I send you a MP with the URL Adrian6184 if i solved Wav problem and a little problem with usbkeyboard i release inmediatly XDby the_marioga - Coding
but i fix it irrlich int wavPlayer(const char* file) { pFmt.start=-1; pFmt.end=-1; void *buf = LoadPCMWav(file, &pFmt); s32 voice = ASND_GetFirstUnusedVoice(); if (buf) { if (ASND_SetVoice(voice, VOICE_STEREO_16BIT, pFmt.sample_rate,0, buf, pFmt.sample_channel * pFmt.sample_count * pFmt.sample_byte, 255, 255, NULL) == SND_OK) { ASND_PauseVoice(voice, 0); } elseby the_marioga - Coding
mm, no but the wavplayer librery convert it, or not? inline u32 le32(u32 i) { return ((i & 0xFF) << 24) | ((i & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((i & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | ((i & 0xFF000000) >> 24); } inline u16 le16(u16 i) { return ((i & 0xFF) << 8) | ((i & 0xFF00) >> 8); }by the_marioga - Coding
Hi, i do this but it doesnt hear, the wav file is PCM 16bit stereoby the_marioga - Coding
Yes i do after WPAD_Init();by the_marioga - Coding
Hi, i'm trying to play wav files, I have managed to decode a wav file and stored in a buffer with this lib But when I try to play with ASND_SetVoice(voice, VOICE_STEREO_16BIT, pFmt.sample_rate,0, buf, sizeof(buf), 255, 255, NULL); ASND_PauseVoice(voice, 0); It doesnt return me any error, but i dont hear nothing. What am I doing wrong? It would be better to try to use AESND?by the_marioga - Coding
im using sdl and i blit png with SDL_Rect offset; SDL_Surface *image; SDL_Surface *screen; image = IMG_Load("image.png"); offset.x = 1; offset.y = 1; SDL_BlitSurface(image, NULL, screen, &offset ); SDL_Flip(screen); SDL_FreeSurface(image);by the_marioga - Coding
Hello, I need to load and play wav files on the Wii from the SD for a homebrew. I have achieve to load the wav file. But I do not know how to play the file. I also know that you have to flip the bit, but this I do not know how. Could you help me? Thanks PS: I can not use SDL_mixerby the_marioga - Coding
I have found a file with examples, but i dont understand it, i can't convert it for my luafwii #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libpng/pngu/pngu.h" #define DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE (256*1024) typedef struct tagcamera { guVector pos; guVector up; guVector view; }camera; s16 squares[] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32) = { // x y z -100,by the_marioga - Coding
Plombo, Are you referring to that I have to change GX_InvalidateTexAll(); before GX_InitTexObj(&texObj, data, width,height, GX_TF_RGBA8,GX_CLAMP, GX_CLAMP,GX_FALSE); ? I've done it and the problem changes, but even still exists. This is the image And this is the new resultby the_marioga - Coding
I've said before 2 or 3 times XD, in both cases (jpg and png) screen goes black and a rainbow appear in the bottom of the screen, or random points (like stars) all over the screenby the_marioga - Coding
jpg format images are not working and png as I said in the previous post gives this error, do you think of any way to fix it?by the_marioga - Coding
ok i try it later now, i have other problem, the images with alpha channel are not shown. But i see a few points, like stars, in the screenby the_marioga - Coding
I have this library for a long time, but, i can't use with double buffer because it return me a lot of warnings, How do I use it to not return errors?, (Most are related to a void *)by the_marioga - Coding
ok, I have now tried a png image with transparency and does not work. They are rainbows in the lower half of the screen. What is the reason? And another cuestion, What should I do to show jpg?by the_marioga - Coding
oh this is the problem, XD, another cuestion, If I want to show text I can only use freetypeGX or is there another library?by the_marioga - Coding
hello, you'll see am the creator of luafwii and I'm making a new version, but I have a problem I need to load PNG (using pngu), double buffer using gx. Based on test and investigate and not gotten any error at compile or crashee to prove, yet the display a white lines in the screen, and investigating the source of some libraries (like libwiigui) to see if he could carry images using hisby the_marioga - Coding
With PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGBA8 I cant see the image, and with PNGU_DecodeToRGBA8 I crash my wii, Finally i'm using the screenlib with little modificationsby the_marioga - Coding
ok, other question, the PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGBA8 didn't allow for print in coordsby the_marioga - Coding
I tried already 3 or 4 different ways to double buffer, and the only time I worked a while the screen fills with green stripes, It don't work a simple printf this is one of the black screen #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE (256*1024) static void *xfb[2] = { NULL, NULL}; static GXRModeObj *by the_marioga - Coding
Thanks for the example, also works without grrlib, right?, well, in case you need gx for double buffer gx, what do I dor put it?, that in the examples of DevkitPro not use double buffering, at least in my devkitpro (r19) and the internet examples use the hermes' library and I do not want to depend on external libraries, the proyect is luafwii, you know? thanksby the_marioga - Coding
Hello, I have two questions, first is how do I load png with alpha with the frontier's library (the function rgba8 but I think it is not using)?, Second is can I use double-buffer without using GX, and if can not, at least you can without screenlib of hermes (not for nothing is that I want a code that depends on many libraries)? Thank you and sorry for talking bad English, but I'm Spby the_marioga - Coding
Good news, yesterday i can detect when i press A and put test, this yesterday i release 0.5 with wiimote supportby the_marioga - Homebrew Applications
firstly thanks for proving my hombrew xd, second, is a LuaPlayer which means it would bear games, but so far no wiimote that does not support, I am working to add, but do not promise anything hehe, so even if succeeded to play psp games here would have that port, or rewrite Salu2 Sorry if I sound bad but is translated with google translator, I'm Spanish xDby the_marioga - Homebrew Applications