Need to restore my dump. What hex editor were you using?by malexous - BootMii Beta
What is the difference between all the different NAND dumpers and is there a particular one that most consider the best? I have an old back-up of my NAND using Bootmii that I want to malexous - BootMii Beta
Either 1 or 0. I'm thinking more malexous - BootMii Beta
That sounds like it is possible which is what I want to malexous - Software
Would it be possible for Nintendo to update the Wii and install one IOS that controlled everything and in place of the current IOSs put something that told the games to look for this IOS. This was asked on the comments page of HackMii - "Why the Wii will never get any better" by two people but it was never answered. What benefits would it have if it is possible? Just to save space on the 512MBby malexous - Software
It's ironic how much ninjafish's posts smell of garbage. They are full of malexous - Offtopic