Rayman 2 is good, but the sound slurs.(The game runs at 24-46fps) The graphics are pretty much perfect though. :)by skulls13 - Homebrew Applications
You can, but you need WiiMC. It runs CDs, DVDs, and can also play youtube vids. (And yes, i know this is a little off topic -_-)by skulls13 - Homebrew Applications
If u want me to test a game on wii64, I would be happy to. Currently i'm running Rayman 2:The Great Escape on wii64. Here are my results: Graphics: Nearly Perfect, Minor Graphics Issues. Sound:Its OK, but it slurs alot.(The Game only runs at 23-45fps.) Playable or Unplayable: Playable(Slow Though)by skulls13 - Homebrew Applications