Ah, screw it, i'm already quit with dop mii, it don't have v5662 of ios56 available to update, i am using the wiibrew edition now to do it, tho i don't know how to, but trial and error works out for me ;)by FaddyMcJesus - Homebrew General
soooo....you saying dat i use dop mii and install ios56 and apply all the patches? i'll get the wad on my sd card n try, thanx a lot! btw dop mii will only brick you if you UNINSTALL any ios below 200 from it right? no other way right?by FaddyMcJesus - Homebrew General
Um, Arikado, or Sif, or anyone whos around, WiiBrew's saved my life more than once with my semi bricked wii and whatnot, but i just updated my shop channel and installed IOS60 and IOS61 with the Trucha bug, but going to the Shop Channel STILL takes me back to Health and Safety. Pls help if you can......by FaddyMcJesus - Homebrew General