Hi everybody. My Wii will no longer read discs (as a result of Super Smash Bros. Brawl) and I need to send it to Ninendo for repairs. But before I do, I want to clarify a few things. There appears to be much animosity or lack of info across the internet and forums. The best advice I've found is to use the HackMii installer to uninstall HBC, then BootMii/boot2 and finally BootMii/IOS. Thenby KingLewy13 - Homebrew General
So, after performing the steps mentioned above, my Wii should be safe to send in to Nintendo for repair? Is it enough to go through the message boards and delete any entries that contain HBC or do I HAVE to format? Will I be able to reinstall HBC and BootMii afterwards? Thanks in advance for your response.by KingLewy13 - Homebrew General
I have this exact same problem. SSBB started having slow loading times on my Wii about a year ago and a few months ago my Wii sometimes wouldn't even display it in the disk channel. Until about a month ago when it wouldn't load at all, and now my Wii won't play any games. The best I get is 10 mins before getting a disk read error, and I've tried a lens cleaner. This threadby KingLewy13 - Homebrew General