Hi. I just wanted to post a follow up to this, for those that were interested/following it, and for those that helped. jbc007 - you in particular. I *finally* got my BT module shipped over two months late into the country. HK post is...probably the worst thing imaginable. Regardless, after trying and trying...and trying to get my Wiimotes to sync with no joy, and plenty of back and forthby zebrax0r - FixMii
You've been PM'ed. Thanks. zby zebrax0r - FixMii
OK... I now have a screen with a hand holding a Wiimote that says "Press A" to continue. Of course, because the Wiimotes will not sync, I can't press A. Additionally, the Wii will no longer power up from a Wii mote. They *really* seem dead to the unit now. I've done a further tear down/put back together. Disconnected the BT module, put it back in etc. Still no love... thougby zebrax0r - FixMii
Hi all. So - I have a Wii, that has been a trusted Wii and has been through all kinds of changes/episodes/work over time. I've run the HBC on it since day immemorial. We've had good times together. It's a very old release day Wii. DMS type, was the optical drive controller/chipset. The other day, I went to turn the unit on - and to my sadness (and interest), the Wiimote'by zebrax0r - FixMii