Or I can just run into another problem, that's fine... >_> So the lovely menu came up and it had all the pretty options of doing things, I hit load and my TV has been just plain black for roughly ten minutes.by DracoSheep - Getting Started
Oh. Well thats very simple! Thank you! :)by DracoSheep - Getting Started
@SifJar: Alright, do I have to do anything special with it? Or is it just go on Homebrew Channel and click "Internal SD Slot" and let things happen?by DracoSheep - Getting Started
I'm curious as to how I get the SaveExtractor/Installer App on Homebrew and be useable. On the SD Card, I have the folder labeled "APPS" inside it are these files: boot.dol icon.png meta.xml I got the files from the Savegame Manager download. (Also on the SD card is all the files that were used to put Homebrew on.) So, where do I go from here? I've already trieby DracoSheep - Getting Started