Dang...We used to have a playstation 2 and used it to play dvds. Shame we sold it. Thanks for Everyone's help!!by dlp502 - Getting Started
I have installed the WiiMC and when I put my dvd in to play I get the following message: Error DVD playback is not supported on this Wii. Am I missing something (do I need to download something else) or does this mean that my Wii will not play dvds even after I did the letterbomb hack?by dlp502 - Getting Started
Thanks BG4545!! Was wondering if I also need to install the WiiMC Channel Installer?by dlp502 - Getting Started
I've read so much that I am getting confused on what I need to download. I have purchased a 2 gb SD card and a card reader. Do I also need to by a Wii game like LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures or is there something else I can use? Are there specific HBC applications I need to download to my SD card to get it to work as a DVD player?by dlp502 - Getting Started