I have now tried formatting the Wii's memory and the smash stack exploit. Still no luck. Does anyone know of any alternative methods to install the homebrew channel without using hackmii?by 3msinclair - Getting Started
I tried with a different SD card (the standard one that comes with a 3DS, if that makes a difference) and still the same error message. Are there any other suggestions?by 3msinclair - Getting Started
Thanks for the reply. I used the same SD card on another wii just yesterday, but I'll try another one anyway just in case. The wii is second hand, but going through the play logs it seems like it was barely even switched on. Just how unlikely is it that the RAM is bad and, if it is, is there anything I can do about it?by 3msinclair - Getting Started
I'm trying to install the homebrew channel on my 4.3E wii using Letterbomb and the Hackmii installer and I'm running into a bit of a problem. The Letterbomb exploit appears to work just fine. I can find the message and open it to run the boot.elf file. However, I receive an error message when Letterbomb attempts to run the boot.elf file. Below is a summary of the message I receive: Cby 3msinclair - Getting Started