Personally I had 3.4 and it doesn't just block out pirateing games it blocks: dvdx... until dvdx 3.4 thank God Wad Manager ios downgrader YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO INSTALL ANYTHING IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM ON YOUR WII! plus priating wiiware is in good sport because... THEIR SO CHEAP THE COMPANYS ARN"T LOOSN TONS OF MONEYby brothernex - Getting Started
Well what files are you trying to transfer?... because it may be wiser to just leave the files on the usb and load what ever file you have from your usb using hombrewby brothernex - Getting Started
SaveMiiFrii does infact work Things you will need: Gamecube controler(preferably corded) Triwing screwdriver and patience it may not work the first few times because you need to hold the game pading down to complete the circuits on the d pad just try to hold: up down left right at the same time... but it works! but i do suggest going with The Savemii because its a indispenceable toolby brothernex - FixMii