Wii gameboy emulator test drive...
June 28, 2010 11:14AM
I've been working a bit on a gameboy emulator. It's far from perfect, but it starts to run games. However, I only tested it on my PC so far. And the few tests I did on the wii where unsuccessful, it kept crashing before it showed anything.

Now a good night sleep made me review my own code, and I found a few stupid mistakes. However, I currently no longer have access to a wii during the week days. So I cannot test it. Someone cares to give it a spin? I give it about 80% chance of not showing anything, but still, it might just work.

You don't need to add any roms for a quick test, it should show a dark blue window and a wii cursor if it works. The A or B button while pointing at the window should open a dropdown menu allowing you to select different options like loading a ROM. If it does that then I give it a big chance of actually loading roms and running them.

In the end it should look something like this: [daid2.mine.nu] as every wiimote can load it's own rom.

Zipfile: [daid2.mine.nu]
Sources: [daid2.mine.nu]
Re: Wii gameboy emulator test drive...
June 29, 2010 05:25AM
i just get a black screen. if it matters, i started it via wiiload/usb gecko.

the wiimote stays lit up, so it is still synced.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2010 05:28AM by giantpune.
Re: Wii gameboy emulator test drive...
June 29, 2010 10:17AM
i just get a black screen. if it matters, i started it via wiiload/usb gecko.

the wiimote stays lit up, so it is still synced.
Ok, that's partly good news. It disconnected the wiimote before. Guess I need to put some more work on this.

Thanks for the test.
Re: Wii gameboy emulator test drive...
September 29, 2010 09:35AM
It's not working!
Re: Wii gameboy emulator test drive...
September 29, 2010 09:41AM
It's not working!
You do know this is months old right? And it does not need any more testing.
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