Neat Idea
May 27, 2009 05:59AM
Hi Everyone!

I am new, but I wanted to share with you a project in progress. I am currently creating a "Wii Homebrew Database" of my own. As you can see if you download the .rar, I am creating the database with some excellent software called TiltViewer. My goal is to get as many homebrew apps as I can onto it. There really isn't a limit to the size, but I want to keep a pattern, either 3x3, 4x4, or 5x5.

What do I mean by this? Please download the .rar(I promise it is virus-free! :D) and open index.html. This will allow you to see the progress so far. If anyone wants to contribute to this, please let me know. I am wanting to make this as large as possible, and if I don't include your homebrew app, please let me know and I will add it as soon as I can. At the moment, I currently don't have a web hosting package of my own. And, in order for the script to function 100%(with links working), it must be hosted on a server. This is because the server runs background code which executes the scripts correctly. Without it, it doesn't run to it's fullest.

I know, I am confusing you all. However, please trust me on this one. I'll get this working soon! Unless you want to test it out on your own server, there won't be any working links to the homebrew apps. If someone does want to host this, let me know so I can update him/her with the latest files...

Anyways, to sum it all up, here is my contribution to the homebrew world! I can't program games, but I can do web development, so I'll contribute my talents to homebrew there.


Download Link <~~ Just Download And Open "index.html"...

(Sorry about the bad download link ;)

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2009 07:43PM by slyfox299.
Re: Neat Idea
May 27, 2009 04:58PM
No offense, but we dont need another one of these "softmod packages". If you want to help but can't code, contribute helpful information to discussion in our forum and IRC channels (#wiihelp for instance) and work on our wiki.
Apologies, I initially misunderstood what this was. COuld you please edit your post and put the download link back in?

Thanks, and sorry for my initial ignorance :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2009 05:06PM by Arikado.
Re: Neat Idea
May 27, 2009 07:44PM
No problem at all! I understand what you mean. I am tired of seeing .zip softmod packs too. This, though, is totally different, as in a sense, it has nothing to do with the wii console itself. Just read the first post again to see what I mean...
Re: Neat Idea
May 28, 2009 12:18AM
hotlinked for you:


put brackets back:

anyway, this thing looks and feels cool. I can't wait to see what else it can do! I hope you can work with Wiibrew in getting it incorporated with the site.

this is the
Re: Neat Idea
May 28, 2009 11:56AM
Neat indeed =)

A good thing would be replacing the Flicker's link in the tiles with one pointing to the WiiBrew respective article.
Re: Neat Idea
May 28, 2009 05:22PM

A good thing would be replacing the Flicker's link in the tiles with one pointing to the WiiBrew respective article.

You are exactly correct. However, when viewed offline, the flickr links appear. I guess I should have said that... Why? Because there is code which is parsed only when on a server. Thus, when viewed offline, the code isn't parsed(read) and things simply don't happen. Hehe, understand?

Thanks for checking it out!
Re: Neat Idea
June 03, 2009 04:23AM
It would be nice if it had the apps included in the package so you could "extract" them from the package/database, or, have it offline like it is now and have them link to the apps online, have 2 links one for the wiibrew wiki page and one for the direct download.
Re: Neat Idea
June 27, 2009 03:43AM
You are right, however, I'll save you the gory details about why the offline version isn't possible with this script. It has to do with what is installed on the server. There is a certain package on a server which isn't installed on many computers, and, thus, the script can't execute 100% correctly...

Though I can alter it and have the links linking to the downloads... I'll give it a shot...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2009 03:43AM by slyfox299.
Re: Neat Idea
June 28, 2009 11:00PM
If you used sql or even access to create a database or even Visual Basic, I might look into it someday once yours in complete
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