anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 04, 2009 06:41PM
I found this; a video for a game i play a lot....but i can't do this stuff!!!!


If anyone still plays this i would love to have a match with someone....or just join in on a kinda busy server...

C'mon people does anyone still play TRIBES???? I know it's 11 years old but it's still awesome!!!!! And IA has taken possession of it so they're releasing a browser based version of it!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2009 07:50PM by z400100500.
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 04, 2009 08:11PM
I won't say antythging about Tribes, as I never played it, but the ship in the beginning looks like something from Wing Commander.
Is that original, or a mod?
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 04, 2009 08:22PM
That's original as far as i know....but then again i've only played for 5 years so i don't rightly know....I'll ask the SKB admins...
Ok, I asked, that is a mod......but then again, the base version of tribes only had 8 there's innumerable weapons... And did you see that thing were the dude shot the mortar and it hit the dude as he went down the hill? Insanity is what that was....and I can pull about....2 of the things that were in that video....Oh, yes, and the game itself is free so i don't know why there isn't less than like 400 people on at a time. But alas, only 60 on on a good night....with 20 in one server; that's where i am.
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 02:26AM
Where can I download that?
(if is legal)
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 02:28AM
That game looks dumb. Halo 3 is better. :P
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 03:35PM
z4whateverthehellyournameis: This is another example of crap that belongs on your web site, not infiltrated in our forums.
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 04:04PM
Well, it is in OFF-Topic and doesn't clutter the informative areas of the forum.
And somehow it helps to know the other members.
Heck, I even know the digits from z400100500 username from the top of my head.
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 04:12PM
Well, it is in OFF-Topic and doesn't clutter the informative areas of the forum.
More relevant off topic topics have been junked for less. See: []
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 04:23PM
Well, I am not gonna argue about that thread, but why call it "Off Topic", if it still has to be semi-related to Wiibrew?
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 05:25PM
Well, I am not gonna argue about that thread, but why call it "Off Topic", if it still has to be semi-related to Wiibrew?

Besides, talking about "seconds"... =P []

That's an example of "useful that become useless" thread, and it did take some time to you lock it.
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 06:07PM
Well, I am not gonna argue about that thread, but why call it "Off Topic", if it still has to be semi-related to Wiibrew?
For stuff like, "How do I use the AC Toolkit?", "How do I use my computer to do stuff related to homebrew (like creating a folder for instance)?", Official Wii Software/Hardware support/help, Dsi Homebrew (as there is no official forum), Non-Wii Related Programming/Hacking Questions, some "Is this possible to make on Wii" questions, "Where can I find a tutorial for ...", Legal discussions, etc. Basically, anything constructive.

I find nothing even potentially constructive in this post. Considering he has a website (multiple ones actually) he should put this stuff there instead of wasting server space here.

That's an example of "useful that become useless" thread, and it did take some time to you lock it.
Yes, well, I was planning on locking it as soon as aujakev replied to SifJars comment. Unfortunately, the days when I can check this forum every 20 minutes have long since left (Notice my request for new mods) and unfortunately by the time I had time to check things, the thread had grown too out of hand. I do regret a few of my actions (such as "seconded", "hey you cant fifth what you already thirded", etc.) as I never foresaw that they would lead to a quest to be "fourteenth".

(And now, ironically, this sort of discussion about how the Offtopic section should be used has become somewhat constructive)

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2009 06:19PM by Arikado.
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 07:41PM
Basically, anything constructive.
Like an E3 thread :D

Seriously, I liked that thread, because I got to know some things about you, Waxy, Bg4545, Z514. At least your stances on gaming.
Same goes for ScanFF and Ninja from the Wii Rant thread.

How is this forum financed? Do google adds cover the costs? Do the people that pay mind OT-posts?
I know, that the rules actually forbid OT postings, but I would have assumed, that they are allow in the "Off Topic" Section.

Basicly what I am trying to say is:
I like some OT, but if it is not wanted, please rename this section to something like: "Other Related Topics"
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 05, 2009 10:48PM
You're right daniel_c_w. I'll be proud to reccomend you as a mod soon :-)

To z: ignore my comments and carry on. Tribes ftw!
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 06, 2009 02:04AM
I like sniper rifles:

l ______________.`=====.-.~:________\___|================[00]
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 06, 2009 03:42AM

Agreed, that is pretty neat. Me wants play.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2009 03:42AM by Zack.
Starsiege Tribes
July 07, 2009 12:44AM
I like sniper rifles:

l ______________.`=====.-.~:________\___|================[00]

Um sniper rifles don't look like that in tribes!!! Scopes are for wienies!!!

hm....for the record, my site was deemed "inactive" a month ago. screw that!!!!

"Tribes is absolutely free, and has been for quite some time now as a promotion for the release of Tribes: Vengeance." So it's free.

Anyone who wants to download it can do so here: TRIBES- better than Halo 3! =p

And a patch to run TRIBES in Vista- Vista fix

To use it, just shove it in the folder where TRIBES.exe is. Just use the patch instead of tribes.exe

The master server has been taken down, which is no problem because there's a couple community made masters to serve as backups. Simply follow these instructions and you'll be up and running in no-time. Go to your options then go to Network.

Click add, then put 'kigen' for the name and type the address as:

confirm it, make sure its highlighted and you will then ping the master.

Damn my hands hurt now! =p I hope to see some familiar names on the servers....=D

*EDIT*: That last sentence has no merit to it because you can create infinite profiles to use. So Arceus is my "main" player...
*EDIT*: The entire game is 165 MB and you don't need to install it, just launch the exe. i don't know why, it just is. And I keep a copy on a flash drive. The entire directory is portable. woo hoo! Shazbot!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2009 02:36AM by z400100500.
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 07, 2009 11:28AM
I will get it at home. =)
Re: anybody that can pull this off is crazy...
July 07, 2009 02:43PM
You might find the learning curve,ahhh, insanely steep. i've played on and off for 5 years, and i still can't use grenades well. so i just get high in the air and drop all i have on their base. or i snipe. it's fun to snipe flying targets. =p oh, and DanielHueho, there is a server that's based in brazil. i don't like the game mode though. and i can't keep up with the spanish and portugese text flying around. =p edit.1 ok is anyone playin? i saw a dude named kado but it turned out to be a fake profile!!!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2009 05:05AM by z400100500.
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