Couple of suggestions:
1. Check "Tight VNC". It is free and I believe it specifically has an option to use Port 80 (i.e. the usuall HTTP port) for exactly your situation.
2. Another method that you can try, if you have some programming knowledge and have installation rights on the server and client:
Write a TCP/IP proxy program. I assume Port 80 must be free on the cleint firewall due to the fact that you can access the interent (HTTP usually uses port 80 although there are exceptions). A proxy program is fairly easy to write in VB (and probably other languages too). The basic idea is:
1. You run your sever program as normal using whatever port it usually uses.
2. You run your proxy program on the server which basically takes incoming communication on one port (the server program port) and send it out on port 80 (internet port).
3. You run your proxy program on the client which basically takes incomding communication on port 80 (internet port) and sent it out on the port used by the client program.
4. You run the client program as normal using whichever port it usually uses.
Obviously the proxy program need to work in both directions since the software is likely to require bidirectional communication.
For example,
Say you want to play a network game of Fubar on your school computer. Say the server for this game listens on port 3200 for connections and responds using port 3201.
In such a case you set up the Fubar Server (at home) with the regular settings. Then you set up the Proxy program to listen on port 3201 (masking as a client computer for the server) and send out on port 80 and listen port 80 and send out on port 3200.
On the client side you would install the proxy which would listen on port 80 and send out to port 3201 and listen on port 3200 (masking as the server) and send out on port 80.
I have used this technique to patch one of my old programs. I had lost the source code for the program and the communication protocol was slightly incorrect. So I built a Proxy program that sat in the middle (as above) which corrected the protocol. It worked like a charm.
P.S. Ensure neither computer is running a Web Server since this would likley use Port 80 and would conflict with your Proxy program.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2010 02:25PM by LordAshes.