But other than the fact that they almost explicitly support piracy what problems do you have with them?
Umm why ask a question that you already answered.
Why would it not go over well?
you are more than welcome to go there for your wii community... i know i live in a free country, and you probably do too.
It's just a matter of what community you want to part of...
The illegal, untested, "oops i bricked my wii", piracy site
the legit, legal, proven site that pretty much started it all, with people that will help you stay away from stuff that will brick your wii.
It aint no skin off of our back.
Hell, be part of both... you know that there are probably tons of folks here with some sort of illegal stuff on their wii, we just don't allow you to talk about it here... or support it.
You won't hurt our feelings, it's ok!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2010 01:39AM by mdbrim.