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cIOS changes for several different games???

Posted by Pandemonium1x 
cIOS changes for several different games???
June 29, 2009 10:02AM

So I was looking around the new and it seems like the Homebrew scene seems to require a lot of different cIOS changes for things. I was wondering if this is normal or if I am reading it all wrong? Let me give an example. Keep in mind I am running 3.2U firmware.

For HBC 1.0.3 to run I need IOS60 as posted here (http://forum.wiibrew.org/read.php?24,21966)

but if I want my Rockband 2 backup to make my instruments work I need Custom IOS37 with IOS36 rev7 dip as IOS249 as stated (http://www.wiihacks.com/recommended-faqs-guides-tutorials-only/11052-so-your-rock-band-instruments-wont-work.html)

But if I do that my HBC will probably stop working again. So once again I wonder if this is common or have I just lost sight on how to get all of this stuff working. Hope this makes sense.
Re: cIOS changes for several different games???
June 29, 2009 01:51PM
Different IOSes run at different times for different applications - this is normal and is the way the Wii works.

For example, the newest system menu runs on IOS60, while Zelda runs on IOS9. Many IOS versions are installed on your Wii.

Regarding the cIOS you're talking about, read this handy guide.
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