Homebrew Apps wont run
November 08, 2009 10:58PM
whenever i try and run (most) of my apps in HBC, or through preloader or even bannerbomb they just hang at a blank screen. this is for alot of apps not all of them. some like mymenuify, miospatcher,iosdowngrader and some versions of wad manager just crash like i said before. i have system menu 3.2U (just downgraded from 4.2U), i have hbc, bannerbomb, bootmii, preloader. any help why some apps dont run would be appreciated. they all ran before i updated to 4.2, i downgraded back to 3.2 to try and solve it but it still continues.
Re: Homebrew Apps wont run
November 08, 2009 11:16PM
MyMenuify - unsupported here.
MIOSPatcher - unsupported here.
IOS Downgrader - unsupported here and VERY dangerous.
WAD Manager - unsupported here.

Do you have any SUPPORTED apps which you need trouble shooting?

Oh and btw, downgrading from 4.2 to 3.2 is a)pointless b)dangerous (extremely) and c)fail.
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