newbie, 1st Wii
December 24, 2010 07:21AM
I had a psp slim and I installed Pandora on it so I sort of know how to mod, but since this is my 1st Wii that I have ever had can someone point me in the right direction to mod my brand new Wii? Is this basically the same thing as the psp (with the exception of iso files) where I can play games free?
Re: newbie, 1st Wii
December 24, 2010 08:41AM
I wouldn't know how to go about hacking a PSP to run homebrew or launch pirated games since I don't own one myself, and probably never will. Therefore, I wouldn't know how easy/hard it is to hack a Wii in comparison to a PSP. Regardless, had you actually read the bright bold red rules you acknowledged to follow in order to post in the first place, you'd know that, well... asking about how to play free Wii games is forbidden here.

However, you may be speaking about playing with emulators, which is "OK". Anyways...

You merely need to download the hackmii installer from, and depending on the kind of System Menu you have on your Wii, use any of the available exploits also found on in order to install the Homebrew Channel.

Once you have it installed, you may then run any kind of homebrew applications you wish, including emulators like SNES9x and such. You basically need a compatible SD card and, depending on the exploit you decide on using, either a specific game, or nothing at all (except the exploit itself of course).

Of course, if you came asking how to play pirated Wii games, then this is most certainly not the place to ask about it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2010 08:42AM by Magil.
Re: newbie, 1st Wii
December 24, 2010 11:36AM
He clearly is asking about piracy, considering he mentioned PSP ISO files.

Read the rules, kthnxbai.
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