Softmodded Wii Is No Longer Modded?
December 24, 2010 05:31PM
Okay, firstly hello guys!

My problem today is that my Wii, which i soft modded using the Twilight Princess method over a year ago (probably longer) does not seem to be working in terms of homebrew anymore. I had Gecko OS to play few backups and it worked every time.

I dusted off my Wii today to play a backup of No More Heroes 2, only to discover the Homebrew Channel was gone, MY SD card that i used (which was in the wii the whole time) had no files on it and would not appear on my PC, Gecko OS would not load (would give me a black screen as soon as i tried to launch it) and neither would Backup Channel.

What should i do to fix it? I know my sister and other family members use it and yesterday my sister did a system update to play DK Country... Help? Will i have to mod it ALL OVER again or is there some way to circumvent this and get backup launcher/gecko OS to work? Thanks!
Re: Softmodded Wii Is No Longer Modded?
December 24, 2010 05:54PM
We do not support backups, read the rules.
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