Fully Bricked Wii, please help (have bootmii installed as boot2)
January 10, 2012 01:02AM
Hi guys,
I got my Wii bricked today.
What happened was that, I tried to get USB GX Loader for my Wii, but I did not have IOS249.
I had a bunch of channels and the DarkWii theme.
I tried Custom IOS Installer to try to get IOS249, but my controller would disconnect every time I tried to install it. My "solution" was to use WiiMod 3.0 to downgrade to 4.2U and then update back to 4.3 to fix that glitch.

WiiMod said the Sys Menu install was "sucessful." After, I powered my Wii, and BOOM!! Full brick.
It's stuck at the black screen.

I was lucky enough to install bootmii as boot2, but I don't know how to recover from this brick.
Do not have a NAND Backup.
Can anyone help me?

Thanks :)
Re: Fully Bricked Wii, please help (have bootmii installed as boot2)
January 10, 2012 01:31AM
Oh, and if It means anything, I had DarkWii on it, before it bricked.
Re: Fully Bricked Wii, please help (have bootmii installed as boot2)
January 10, 2012 03:51AM
Hope you learned your lesson: Don't mess around with warez loaders.
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