MPlayer CE issues
June 28, 2009 10:21PM
I currently installed DVDx with the hackmii installer,but,when I load Mplayer CE,and I try to load the DVD,it says it mounts the DVD but doesn't read it,I waited like 5 minutes to load and nothing,what is wrong?
Fail Removed

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2009 08:48PM by Arikado.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
June 28, 2009 10:24PM
Try some more DVDs. Do you get the same result with all of them?
Re: MPlayer CE issues
June 28, 2009 11:48PM
Try using libDVDnav, that's what works with all of my DVD's.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
June 29, 2009 01:18AM
Yes,it doesn't work with any
Re: MPlayer CE issues
June 29, 2009 08:39PM
NEVER USE WANINKOKO STUFF. a lot of people have been bricked by his updaters
Re: MPlayer CE issues
June 29, 2009 08:49PM
Yes, its highly possible Waninkos crap that you put on your Wii is causing these issues.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
June 29, 2009 10:57PM
Well,I don't now for sure,but I'm been doing some research,and I just went to WiiBrew applications,and a got to MplayerCE,it says I need to install a Cios(IOS 202),and install DVDx in advanced mode exactely on that Cios,but Cios are illegal,Are they?
But unfortunately,DVDx can't be installed on Advanced mode on 4.o Wii's,my guess that's the problem.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
June 29, 2009 11:15PM
No, cIOS are not illegal, but it is illegal to distribute them because they contain copyrighted Nintendo code.

All of the cIOS installers on Wiibrew download and patch the Nintendo IOSes directly on your Wii, and therefore do not need to be distributed illegally.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 01, 2009 11:51PM
Ok,I tried to install the cIOS 202 from Wiibrew,but it's doesn't install,but even if I could,I had to install DVDx in advanced mode which is impossible in 4.0 Wii's (Nintendo or Waninkoko),I think it's impossible to play DVD's in my Wii,at least if there a way to install the cIOS and the DVDx,I really don't no what do anymore...
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 02, 2009 05:28AM
I had to install DVDx in advanced mode

What does that mean?
What's the difference between "advanced" and "normal (?)"?
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 02, 2009 12:44PM
You don't need to install the cIOS for DVDs. You just need DVDx, a regular installation is just fine. You only need cIOS + DVDx advanced install for USB 2.0 support, and more stable SMB (WiFi file sharing protocol to allow you to stream media from PC to Wii over wireless netwrok). Even without these, I believe you can still use USB 1.1 and SMB, just USB 1.1 is slower than USB 2.0, and SMB will be less stable without cIOS. But in your case, you only need a regular installation of DVDx. However, I have heard that the latest version can cause problems, but I think that is more with SDHC support than DVDs..

EDIT: And advanced installation mode on DVDx lets you select which IOS to install it on.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2009 12:47PM by SifJar.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 02, 2009 01:44PM
Does cIOS affect Wi-Fi stability?
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 02, 2009 05:19PM
I dunno. But it says on the MPlayer CE Google Code page to install USB 2.0 cIOS if you use SMB because it increases stability. I don't think it's WiFi satability, WiFi is perfectly stable, I think it's SMB stability.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 02, 2009 06:59PM
uh no. they mean WiFi (network). SMB isn't in the cIOS.

The cIOS (supposedly) has more stable wifi because it uses IOS 60 as a base, and Nintendo (supposedly) made some wifi improvements.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2009 06:59PM by Tantric.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 02, 2009 08:00PM
Well,I installed normally with the hackmii installer and it didn't work,so if is not the cIOS that I need I don't no what to do,I don't want to use SMB cause the movies I wanna see are on DVD,same thing with the USB,cause my DVD are original,I can't make a copy of them,and put on an USB pendrive or SMB,running out of options.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 02, 2009 10:46PM
Well, then you don't need the cIOS and it won't help in any way, as all it does is add USB 2.0 support and apparently increase WiFi stability. DVDx should work on it's own. However, I did read something about issues with the latest DVDx, but I can't remember what. However, if you upgraded with the fail updater, you may still have some trucha IOS, which means one of the older installers may still work. Try uninstalling the latest DVDx with HackMii installer, and reinstall with the older DVDx installer. I assume it uses trucha anyway.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 10, 2009 06:38PM
Hi: this is my deal, I have a modded wii in SM 4.0 (I dont know what chip), I have try dvdx and mplayer ce like forever and I have never been able to see dvd, now I have download the latest version of mplayer (v 0.7) and also the lastest cIOS, but theres something I dont understand, in the wiki they say I need to have a fakesign bug to use USB2, first: whats a fakesing bug??? and second, do I have to uninstall dvdx. Well I really need a walkthough, so, any help is welcome. Thanks
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 10, 2009 06:54PM
YOU DO NOT NEED CIOS TO PLAY DVDS. Sorry, but a lot of this topic has been about this. You don't need any cIOS to play DVDs. Only for USB 2.0. Just use hackmii installer to install DVDx and then run MPlayer CE. If that doesnt work, we can't really help you I'm afraid.

But to answer your question about fakesigning bug. The Wii uses things called IOS (Input Output Systems) to control stuff. Some of these have a bug in that they can accpet fake signatures. Normally to make System Calls you need a signature. But that signature is known only by Nintendo, not homebrewers. But it turns out that when Nintendo was programming the IOS, they made a mistake. They used the wrong command to check signatures. Instead of using one which checks the whole signature, they used one which only checks until it finds a null value (i.e. 0). It then assumes that everything after the null is correct, provided everything before it is correct. However, you must have at least one right. So that means that someone can bruteforce the first byte and stick a null after it. This give 256 possiblities, which is relatively few, considering usually you'd need to get 128 characters, each with 256 possibilties which gives millions (probably) of possibilities for the final signature.

So basically, developers can send a system call with a fake signature, which is simply a character followed by a null, and because of this bug it'll get accepted. this means developers can do far more than would otherwise be possible. however, nintendo have been cracking down on it since 3.2. 3.2 is the last System Menu I believe to have full trucha IOS. 3.3 I think got rid of some (?) and I know 3.3v2 and 3.4 got rid of the bug in all but IOS 16, an IOS never officially released, but found on a Nintendo recovery disc, leaked on the internet. Pirates took this IOS from the disc image and used it to install warez. In 4.0, Nintendo included a patched IOS 16 to prevent this.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 10, 2009 06:59PM
Modchips mess with the drive commands, and therefore with DVDX.
Re: MPlayer CE issues
July 10, 2009 07:03PM
you'd need to get 128 characters, each with 256 possibilties which gives millions (probably) of possibilities for the final signature.

Actually you are about 40 digits short :D

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2009 07:03PM by daniel_c_w.
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