Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 02, 2010 01:57PM
It's called reading.

Will you get off my back already?!
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 02, 2010 04:11PM
Will you get off our heads ever? :)

No, seriously Luigi, you should not try to do things you don't fully understand and you are not prepared to do. AnyRegion Changer doesn't do what you think it does.

Stick to what you currently know how to do, and before trying something else, first read about it, make sure you understand it, analyze if you really want that, learn how to do it properly first, and then and ONLY then, try to do it.

Apply that not only to Wii stuff, but to every aspect in your life.
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 02, 2010 06:21PM
*smells a brick in the oven* Yum!
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 02, 2010 06:41PM
It's called reading.

Will you get off my back already?!

You asked. He answered. That is how we know this stuff, we read. Most of my knowledge of Wii homebrew comes from reading at the WiiBrew wiki and lurking in a few Wii homebrew related forums (e.g. this one).
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 02, 2010 07:28PM
One can also learn things by actually doing them. This includes doing things that are usually best to avoid (among other things, downgrading and intentionally deleting the system menu are generally considered bad ideas...). I learned more than one would expect from doing such things. Of course, I strongly advise you don't try such stuff; downgrading is usually not useful, and deleting the system menu is suicide unless you have Bootmii/boot2 (and even then, there could be complications that would make recovery difficult).

Anyway, if you want to use AnyRegion Changer, go ahead. As long as you don't use it to install system menu 3.2 on an "LU64+" wii, you won't get a full brick. It really is not one of the more dangerous applications, but you still must be careful with it. Though, it is still best to install Bootmii/boot2 first and make a NAND backup.
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 02, 2010 11:19PM
Guys, as I said, I'm NOT going to install this.
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 03, 2010 12:49AM
That may be best. I just didn't want you to feel that we were telling you what to do with your own wii.
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 03, 2010 01:27AM
That may be best. I just didn't want you to feel that we were telling you what to do with your own wii.

I'd never think of it like that. I know a FEW of the outs and ins, but since so many people want me to NOT do this, I guess I won't.

On a 2nd note, I'm NOT going to use region changer apps yet, but isn't there a BETTER way to change the Region? Like RegionFrii or something?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/2010 02:01AM by Luigi886.
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 03, 2010 02:14AM
No, and you shouldn't change your region. Especially if you only want Japanese channels.
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 03, 2010 02:15AM
On a 2nd note, I'm NOT going to use region changer apps yet, but isn't there a BETTER way to change the Region? Like RegionFrii or something?

No, AnyRegion Changer is the only application you should consider for region changing. It is not a particularly dangerous application; other region changers may be much more dangerous.
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 03, 2010 02:24AM
No, and you shouldn't change your region. Especially if you only want Japanese channels.

Not just for that, and I have reasons which I won't tell you.

And ya jbc, I should learn ALOT more first. :P
Re: How do I install Anyregion Chnager?
September 03, 2010 03:49AM
Not just for that, and I have reasons which I won't tell you.

We won't ever tell you anything else regarding changing the wii region either :)

Are you with me, guys?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/2010 03:49AM by Axel.
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