SignCheck 0.3b Dosen't Detect Trucha Bug in IOS 70
October 12, 2009 01:10PM
I was really pleased to see this update as I was using 4.1E and the previous version used to report *all* IOSs as trucha enabled.

I've since used zector's Safe Update Method" to get to 4.2E, Dop-IOS to patch IOS70 and TBR 1.1 to patch *all* options into IOS36.

Running SignCheck 0.3b from HBC 0.6. SignCheck detcted the trucha bug in IOS 36 (v3351), IOS222 (v4), IOS223 (v4), 249 (v14) and 250 (v65535) but NOT in IOS70 (v6687).

I believe IOS70 is correctly patched as the 4.2E System Menu can copy and run WiiWare off the SD.

I was suprised that:-
"USB2.0 IOS tree" was not enabled in IOS222/223
Flash and Boot2 access was not enabled in IOS36

Is it possible that IOS70 is not correctly patched (ie. ES_Identify) or is SignCheck still miss reporting some IOSs?
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