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Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?

Posted by Dark_Wolf101 
Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
June 28, 2010 05:11AM
And yet the MPlayer CE allows me to play DVDs without it? Is there a way to play DVDs on WiiMC without installing IOS 202, because I've tried and I got a message telling me to install a trucha bug, which I'm not really interested in, since it will change my Wii operating system, and could be dangerous. It's not that big of a deal, since the MPlayer CE works fine, I just prefer the WiiMC (smoother interface, looks great, allows you to navigate through a video more easily). Thanks!
Re: Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
June 28, 2010 05:33AM
Unlike MPlayer CE, WiiMC does not support DVDx, so you need IOS 202 to play DVDs with it. Installing a trucha bugged IOS is not at all dangerous, and since you have use for one, there is no reason not to do so.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2010 05:33AM by jbc007.
Re: Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
June 28, 2010 05:51AM
Okayn thanks. But why does it say "use with caution" then?
Re: Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
June 28, 2010 08:12AM
DVDX also makes changes to your Wii software - it also gets installed. There's really no difference.

We've chosen not to support DVDX because that uses IOS36, which means crappy SD support and crappy wifi.

DVDX is going away soon anyway.
Re: Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
June 28, 2010 01:51PM
DVDX also makes changes to your Wii software - it also gets installed. There's really no difference.

We've chosen not to support DVDX because that uses IOS36, which means crappy SD support and crappy wifi.

DVDX is going away soon anyway.

What makes you say that?

Also, couldn't you switch DVDx to use a newer IOS to get SDHC and more stable WiFi? Its just a TMD patch AFAIK. Although I guess to do that, you'll need the same as you would to install IOS202, so no real benefit....
Re: Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
June 28, 2010 09:55PM
Team Twiizers could release a new DVDX that uses a higher IOS, yes. But they haven't and don't plan to. It'll be handled by HBC itself instead.
Re: Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
June 28, 2010 10:27PM
HBC will enable DVD access before loading apps? That'll be nice.
Re: Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
June 29, 2010 03:59AM
Hey MPlayer CE for me won't even read DVD's. I have DVDX installed and for some reason when I try the Wii MC it says "invalid DVD". I am so lost. Please help. I hacked my wii a few months ago and my wii is 3.5 years old now.
Re: Why do I need IOS 202 to play DVDs on the WiiMC?
July 03, 2012 05:01PM
Hey MPlayer CE for me won't even read DVD's. I have DVDX installed and for some reason when I try the Wii MC it says "invalid DVD". I am so lost. Please help. I hacked my wii a few months ago and my wii is 3.5 years old now.

The Handbrake (free) is a good alternative application to DVDX, you can try it to re-encode your DVD-Video format for WiiMC. BTW, i advise you find the reason why Mplayer CE can not work, casue Mplayer CE is the best way to play DVD on WiiMac currently... Good luck !

Getting DVDs to IOS devices (iPad/iPod/iPhone) for Mac !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2012 05:31PM by Coloradoguy.
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