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FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?

Posted by Weasel 
FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?
August 04, 2010 05:12AM
I've been using FTPii and WiiXplorer's FTP functions for a while now, transferring apps between my laptop and the Wii, but suddenly they aren't working anymore. I'm not entirely sure what I've done to make it stop either.

I'm on system menu 4.2, HBC 1.0.7 and BootMii's latest, if any of this information is important.

I have not updated anything except WiiXplorer to it's most recent release, r195. I've been using Filezilla 3.3.1 on Ubuntu, having not updated that recently either. So, I'm not entirely sure what the deal is.

Here's what happens:

*I start up FTPii, and it sits there all happy, waiting for me to do something. I used to just start up Filezilla and type in my wii's IP (, without a password or anything, all on port 21. It worked just fine until recently.

*FTPii gives me a "Timed out waiting for data connection", then a 520 code (meaning the same thing, IIRC). Filezilla says "Connection timed out."

*Unfortunately, r195 of WiiXplorer won't even start the FTP server; it just hangs on the "network initialising" screen.

Now, I doubt it has anything to do with it, but maybe it does: All of this started when I updated with Hackmii Installer 0.7. I uninstalled DVDX, updated BootMii and updated HBC. I don't think that would effect anything, but I could be wrong.

Any help would be appreciated...
Re: FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?
August 04, 2010 05:23AM
It's related to the HBC update. You'll have to wait for those apps to be re-released.
Re: FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?
August 04, 2010 01:09PM
Does the non-FTP stuff in WiiXplorer work?
Re: FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?
August 04, 2010 04:35PM
I never really used any other feature in WiiXplorer, so I'm not sure. I think the rest of it works fine.
Re: FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?
August 05, 2010 12:12AM
This issue is caused by the 1.0.7 HBC having a new title ID. In order for file transferring over a network to occur, these apps have to be programmed to accept the new title IDs. It's extremely trivial and easy to do, so they should be updated shortly (assuming of course that their authors are still actively developing them)
Re: FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?
August 05, 2010 12:26AM
If the apps are open source, I could theoretically do it myself, I suppose. What is the new title ID?
Re: FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?
August 28, 2010 11:42AM
I've had the same problem, but got ftpii to work again by changing the transfer mode in FileZilla from passive (or default) to active.

I can't vouch for WiiXplorer as I don't use it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2010 11:47AM by teyene.
Re: FTPii and WiiXplorer suddenly not working?
January 10, 2011 12:51AM
I've had the same problem, but got ftpii to work again by changing the transfer mode in FileZilla from passive (or default) to active.

I can't vouch for WiiXplorer as I don't use it.

I've also had the same problem : on two different wiis with different versions of ios, the behaviour of ftpii 0.0.21 is not the same : one works perfectly with passive mode, the other one needs active mode.

could a debugmode in ftpii help to diagnose/solve the problem ?

here is the comparisons of versions :
< : ftpii NOK
> : ftpii OK

< Found IOS 3: revision: 0xff00.
< Found IOS 9: revision: 0x40a*
> Found IOS 9: revision: 0x30a*

< Found IOS 12: revision: 0x20e*
< Found IOS 13: revision: 0x408*
< Found IOS 14: revision: 0x408*
< Found IOS 15: revision: 0x408*
> Found IOS 12: revision: 0x10d*
> Found IOS 13: revision: 0x111*
> Found IOS 14: revision: 0x208*
> Found IOS 15: revision: 0x20b*

< Found IOS 17: revision: 0x408*
< Found IOS 21: revision: 0x40f*
< Found IOS 22: revision: 0x50e*
< Found IOS 28: revision: 0x70f*
< Found IOS 30: revision: 0xb00.
< Found IOS 31: revision: 0xe18*
< Found IOS 33: revision: 0xe18*
< Found IOS 34: revision: 0xe18*
< Found IOS 35: revision: 0xe18*
< Found IOS 36: revision: 0xe18*
< Found IOS 37: revision: 0x161f*
< Found IOS 38: revision: 0x101c*
< Found IOS 41: revision: 0xd14*
> Found IOS 17: revision: 0x307*
> Found IOS 21: revision: 0x30e*
> Found IOS 22: revision: 0x40d*
> Found IOS 28: revision: 0x60e*
> Found IOS 30: revision: 0xb00*
> Found IOS 31: revision: 0xd15*
> Found IOS 33: revision: 0xc13*
> Found IOS 34: revision: 0xd14.
> Found IOS 35: revision: 0xd15*
> Found IOS 36: revision: 0xd17*
> Found IOS 37: revision: 0xf1d*
> Found IOS 38: revision: 0xf1b*

< Found IOS 51: revision: 0x1300.
< Found IOS 53: revision: 0x161f*
< Found IOS 55: revision: 0x161f*
< Found IOS 56: revision: 0x161e*
< Found IOS 57: revision: 0x171f*
< Found IOS 58: revision: 0x1820.

> Found IOS 53: revision: 0x151e*
> Found IOS 55: revision: 0x151e*
> Found IOS 56: revision: 0x151d*
> Found IOS 57: revision: 0x161d*

< Found IOS 61: revision: 0x161d.
< Found IOS 70: revision: 0x1b00*
< Found IOS 80: revision: 0x1b20*

> Found IOS 61: revision: 0x151d.
> Found IOS 70: revision: 0x1a1f*

< Found IOS 249: revision: 0x14*
> Found IOS 249: revision: 0x13*

< Found IOS 254: revision: 0xff01*
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