Heretic Wii 0.5 Released
August 20, 2010 06:53PM

I've released version 0.5 of my port of Heretic to Wii.

The changelog is as follows:

* USB Support
* GC Controller Support
* Classic Controller Support
* Wiimote and Nunchuk controls rewritten to take advantage of the Wiimotes IR
* Fixed saving and loading
* Other various bug fixes and tweaks

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Re: Heretic Wii 0.5 Released
August 25, 2010 12:25AM
It's about time!!

Thanks X 1,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Heretic Wii 0.5 Released
August 25, 2010 04:20PM
Arikado, I have been playing your port, and it's really good. (Despite of suffering from not having music, just like WiiDoom) :)

It runs and full speed and the presentation is great, however, I still believe there is room for improvement regarding the controls.

Mainly the classic controller requires improvement, since it detracts a lot of the fun.

For example:

The sticks have to be pushed all the way down in order to detect movement.
It is impossible to strafe and turn at the same time, pushing one stick cancels the other! (I believe this to be due to the DOS keyb limitations)
Please, please! Map by default FIRE to the right shoulder button, and RUN to the left shoulder button, that is the natural way to play these games.
It would be great if the control maps could be customizable. I believe you just mapped the controller buttons to their corresponding keyboard keys, but for some reason if you try to remap them, most of the buttons are not detected.

Still, it's a great job and I can't wait to see the WiiDoom changes you are planning to release in a new branch! YAY!
Re: Heretic Wii 0.5 Released
August 28, 2010 02:45AM

I have no idea why background music doesn't work. It's very frustrating :( The SDL Mixer driver I could use instead would probably work but it seems there are bugs in SDL Wii (I get tons of smpeg errors?) preventing me from trying that. Funny thing is, I could probably let people play their own MP3s as background music (which Im working on) more easily then I could enable the background music in the WAD.

Yeah, those darn DOS keys wont let me do strafing and turning at the same time unless I want to rewrite a lot of the engine. I tried to do it anyway but it's really hard :( I'll try again some day in the future though, for now there are better things I could probably be doing ...

Thanks for the classic controller suggestions you mentioned. To be honest, I really didn't like the scheme either and I've been a bit lost as to how I should change it. I'll follow your suggestions and have the new scheme in the SVN soon.

The easiest way to do customizable controls for a port like this would be through an external data file (like config.txt) on the sd or usb device. I've been experimenting with this and I've had some success. Hopefully I can incorporate it into future releases soon enough.

Also, I've been trying to get around to responding to that last PM you sent me for ages (it's one of the best I've ever recieved). I really want to btw: Just trying to find about 10 uninterrupted minutes to do so :P

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2010 02:45AM by Arikado.
Re: Heretic Wii 0.5 Released
August 28, 2010 05:39AM
LOL about the private message. Thank you so much and take your time, I have seen how busy you've been lately :)

Regarding the music... well, Inuxguy (original porter of WiiDoom) also faced the same issue about 2 years ago. The problem is that the music files are like either compressed or encrypted inside the WAD, an you can't play them directly from it. In the original game, it looks like whenever a music is played, it is extracted out from the WAD and written in the disk in a separate file, and deleted as soon as it ends playing.

I was thinking that maybe they could be extracted from the WAD file and included as independent files in the release, so the port would play those files instead of trying to extract or reproduce the ones inside the WAD. However, I am not sure if this is actually possible or if it would work at all.

If they can't be extracted through other methods, maybe they could be extracted by playing the game on the PC and copying the files with another name meanwhile they are playing. Of course this would be very time consuming.

These is what we discussed with Inuxguy back then:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2010 05:41AM by Axel.
Re: Heretic Wii 0.5 Released
August 29, 2010 12:35AM
Hey Arikado,

I've been trying to think on what would be a good default buttons scheme for the classic controller for both Heretic and Hexen.

I suppose you have realized that WiiDoom has implemented analog movement for the analog sticks; if you push it slighly, the character walks slowly, if you push it all the way you get the same results as if you used run button. I don't know if you have considered on implementing this, since this effectively makes a moot point on mapping the run button.

Nevertheless, this is the best I could come up with:

Left Stick - Move
Right Stick - Turn
Pad Left/Right - Prev/Next Inventory Item
Pad Up/Down - Fly Up/Down (This is currently not mapped!)
L - Run (Heretic only) / Jump (Hexen only)
R - Shoot (This is mandatory to be mapped here!)
Y - Previous Weapon
X - Next Weapon
B - Open
A - Use Inventory Item (Enter)
Minus - Map
Plus - Pause (Pause Key)
Home - Open/Close Menu (Esc)
ZL - Run (Hexen Only)

I designed this scheme based on modern FPS which use similar gamepads, like the ones for PS3 and X360.

I hope you like it, and feel free to adjust it to whatever you believe suits the game best.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/29/2010 12:38AM by Axel.
Re: Heretic Wii 0.5 Released
August 29, 2010 10:03PM
Thanks for the suggestions Axel. I'll look into implementing them into the next release. For now, I've used your classic controller scheme in my new WiiDOom 0.4.5 ;)
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