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Posted by SonicFan49 
Re: Wii64
February 16, 2010 06:09PM

I do have another question.

Some N64 roms are larger than others....

When I load a small rom (lets say 16MB) it will load ALL of it into memory B.

When I load a large rom (lets say 64MB) it will only load a portion of it into memory B.

My questions are:

1) What is this "memory B" it refers too?
2) At what file size will it go from loading "ALL" of it to only loading a "portion" of it.
3) What effects are done to the game play from playing a game that was only "portionally" loaded?
4) What is the controlling factor for loading all of a rom or a portion of a rom? Can this be fixed so large file size roms can be completely loaded?

Re: Wii64
March 12, 2010 07:06PM
Up to date compatibility list here:
Re: Wii64
April 10, 2010 11:48PM
y isnt pokemon snapp working ughh i hope they fix it
Re: Wii64
April 11, 2010 03:47AM
y isnt pokemon snapp working ughh i hope they fix it
why don't you just, you know.. not complain?
Re: Wii64
April 24, 2010 04:17AM
y isnt pokemon snapp working ughh i hope they fix it

All N64 games that have been released on VC, I buy. So why not buy it? It's only 10 bucks, and will always perform better than anything wii64 can do for you in the next 5 years.
Re: Wii64
April 24, 2010 06:49AM
...and will always perform better than anything wii64 can do for you in the next 5 years.
That's not necessarily true..
Re: Wii64
April 27, 2010 05:04AM
Hey everyone. I've been recently playing Bomberman Hero. The whole game runs completely fine right up until the first level of Area 2 of Planet Mazone, where the game freezes after Bomberman crosses a section of the level. Any reason why this keeps happening? =(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2010 05:27AM by Killerchaos.
Re: Wii64
April 28, 2010 04:24AM
I just picked up 2 brand new Classic Controller Pros, only to realize that the analog sticks don't register on Wii64, which is really the only decent emulator that uses the analog sticks in the anyways. I've read it was an issue with the libOGC library and that the newer version of that library works, but obviously its been awful quiet since Honey came out in February. Does anyone know when a new binary will be released, or possibly a work around in the meantime?
Re: Wii64
May 20, 2010 02:43AM
Anyone got around to helping me with my situation yet on Bomberman Hero?
Re: Wii64
May 20, 2010 11:17AM
Anyone got around to helping me with my situation yet on Bomberman Hero?

Try turning of the dynamic recompiler during the time of the crash, then turn it on again.
Re: Wii64
May 22, 2010 10:33AM
Tried it. No success. I've done everything I possibly could to fix it, and the closest I got was being able to keep what is normally displayed consistently (Gem count, health meter, etc.).
Re: Wii64
June 08, 2010 06:01AM
Alright, well.... I was just wondering if I could run games off multiple disk formats? For example, I read that DVDs are supported but what about CD-R? CD-Rs are currently the only type of blank disk that I have easy access to so I'd rather ask than waste my money and time going out to buy a pack of blank DVDs.
Re: Wii64
June 08, 2010 06:24AM
Alright, well.... I was just wondering if I could run games off multiple disk formats? For example, I read that DVDs are supported but what about CD-R? CD-Rs are currently the only type of blank disk that I have easy access to so I'd rather ask than waste my money and time going out to buy a pack of blank DVDs.
The Wii can't read CDs. This is a hardware issue.
Re: Wii64
November 29, 2011 10:08PM
If u want me to test a game on wii64, I would be happy to. Currently i'm running Rayman 2:The Great Escape on wii64. Here are my results:

Graphics: Nearly Perfect, Minor Graphics Issues.

Sound:Its OK, but it slurs alot.(The Game only runs at 23-45fps.)

Playable or Unplayable: Playable(Slow Though)
Re: Wii64
November 29, 2011 10:11PM
You can, but you need WiiMC. It runs CDs, DVDs, and can also play youtube vids. (And yes, i know this is a little off topic -_-)
Re: Wii64
November 29, 2011 10:50PM
You can, but you need WiiMC. It runs CDs, DVDs, and can also play youtube vids. (And yes, i know this is a little off topic -_-)

No, the Wii is physically incapable of reading CDs. WiiMC can read DVDs, yes. But it is impossible to read CDs in a Wii because it does not have a CD drive, it has a DVD only drive. Hence bg4545 said what he did.
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