A request for Tantric (snes9x-gx): SDL Mame Wii
October 13, 2010 03:45PM
Hi Tantric,

I know this is a long shot, and you will probably tell me to go away but it's worth a try :-)
SDL MAME Wii is a great emulator of the arcade classics (Galaxians, Gauntlet, Bomb Jack, etc).


The only problem is that the emulators menu is a bit....ugly. The developer has gone quiet.
Since your Snes9x-gx has such a nice UI, is there any chance you would consider adding a similar UI to SDL Mame Wii ??

I'm willing to donate. :-)

Dare Devil Denis.
Re: A request for Tantric (snes9x-gx): SDL Mame Wii
October 13, 2010 03:57PM
You should really use e-mail instead of a private forum to convey these types of messages to a single person.

I'm closing this for now but Tantric is of course welcome to reopen it if he wishes.
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