Don't know if anybody would be interested about this on here but...
I've used DOSBox-Wii and configured and compiled it to work and autoboot the classic gory Amiga/PC game 'Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight'. This version is the original PC game running via DOSBox-wii (1.5) which simply autoboots into the game and has the controls mapped and binded to the wiimote so that you no longer need to use a usb keyboard.

To run simply extract the moonstone zip file and place the moonstone folder into the apps folder on the wii and then load as normal via the homebrew channel.
Use the wiimote's d-pad to move your knight and the button's 1 to attack and 2 to bring up your magic item inventory screen. To skip the game's long intro press the - button. Only 1-player games currently work.
Thanks to Dborth and Carl Kenner for porting DOSBox to the Wii and to Todd Prescott, Rob Anderson and Mindscape for creating the original game on the Amiga and PC.
Moonstone is officially free Abandonware so there should be no problem sharing it.
For more infomation on this classic game (including tutorials on how to play) visit the excellent fan made site:
moonstonetavernDownload (version 1.1): []
Enjoy :)
edit: I've just updated the download link with a newer version and have made it so you can skip the game's long intro by pressing the - button.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2010 02:03PM by Baboon.