Accessing the DVD drive with ftpii
June 08, 2011 02:31AM
I remember way back in the 4.2 and previous days, I could easily access the DVD drive (whether it be a DVD or a Wii disk) using ftpii. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost that capability, and Google isn't exactly helping me.

I'm running 4.3 on a US Wii, bought well before Nintendo killed DVD functionality, updated boot2, etc. (I believe it's from December, 2007) with the latest HBC installed (1.08). I have bootmii and everything set up already; however, ftpii is unable to mount the disk, despite searches telling me that HBC 1.08 should innately have the ability to do so without using a DVDX Installer like we had to before.

Is there something I'm missing, or am I just screwed in this aspect?
Re: Accessing the DVD drive with ftpii
June 08, 2011 07:24AM
ftpii may not have been updated to use the AHBPROT (New HBC) method of reading the DVD drive. In that case you'll have to find someone who can update it for that.
Re: Accessing the DVD drive with ftpii
June 14, 2011 06:25PM
Alright, thanks for the reply ^_^

I guess I could stop being lazy and go back to learning C++ to do it myself >.<
Re: Accessing the DVD drive with ftpii
June 16, 2011 03:31PM
Try using WiiXplorer, I haven't seen it on the Wiki so it might not be supported by Wiibrew (if that's the case, sorry).
Google it
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