Unmoderated posting privileges in BootMii forum?
February 07, 2010 06:27PM
Would it be possible to award certain respected members of the WiiBrew Forums community the right to post in the BootMii Beta forum without the need to have posts moderated first? I find it quite annoying when someone asks a question and I post a reply, but I have to wait for it to be approved before it can help them. Also it may prevent people posting the same thing as someone else.
Re: Unmoderated posting privileges in BootMii forum?
February 07, 2010 07:01PM
I just played around with my 'dummy account' and I've come to the following conclusion:

The only way phorum allows you to make unmoderated posts in a moderated forum like the BootMii Beta forum is if you are a moderator or administrator.

So in short: Nope, not possible to do. Nice idea though :)
Re: Unmoderated posting privileges in BootMii forum?
February 07, 2010 10:21PM
Darn. That would be nice......
Re: Unmoderated posting privileges in BootMii forum?
February 07, 2010 11:12PM
Ah well. Never mind then.
Re: Unmoderated posting privileges in BootMii forum?
February 16, 2010 04:14AM
Damn, I would love that feature, oh well =(
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