FCEUX Suggestion
October 13, 2013 08:44PM
Is there a possibility of adding the wiimote + nunchuck as a mapping option for the zapper in fceux?? I (and maybe many more) would really appreciate it since zappers tend to use the z button as a trigger (at least mine does), it would really give that feel of playing duck hunt like it was supposed to be. This is my only suggestion.
Re: FCEUX Suggestion
October 13, 2013 10:12PM
This section is designed for feedback about this forum and the WiiBrew wiki, not individual apps. Chances are the developers of that app (if they're even still active) won't see this message. You're better trying to find some alternative contact details for them (e.g. perhaps an email address associated with a google code project or something like that) and contacting them directly. Alternatively, you could try and find someone capable of performing the changes you desire and get them to do it, as I'm fairly certain that is an open source emulator, meaning anyone can download the source code, modify it how they like and compile their own version.

EDIT: If there's a google code project for the app (probably is), you could submit a feature request there. Otherwise, you could make an entry on the app's wiki page on the "talk" page, or on the developer's "talk" page on the wiki.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2013 10:13PM by SifJar.
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