HBC on the SD card
April 16, 2009 05:00PM
I've already had the HBC installed once but I really had to update my wii and didn't know if the 4.0 upgrade would be messed up by the HBC so I deleated. My question is do I have the ticket on my wii for the HBC and if I do can someone copy the HBC onto an SD card and e-mail me the folder(s) that it is in so I can try to use the HBC from the SD card menu.
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 16, 2009 05:05PM
I did that too. And I'm asking the same question. Well I hope that it can work.
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 16, 2009 05:30PM
the issue isn't the ticket ( although I am sure that helps) but that the Hacked twilight gamesave can not be copied over to the Wii.
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 16, 2009 08:08PM
But I mean if someone were to e-mail me the actuall channel could I use it. I mean by going into the channel data manengment and coping the HBC. And if that is possiable can someone e-mail me the file at lunerdragon@gmail.com.
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 16, 2009 08:19PM
Well if the exploit its avaiable my email is master_nl-link@live.com
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 16, 2009 11:40PM
I would like it as well if the exploit its available my email is.. john.hanuska@rock.com just let me know when its in there cause i'm having a hard time getting hbc on my wii using the Tp hack!
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 17, 2009 01:42AM
If you have 4.0 it won't work with TP. the way i'm thinking about you would need to have had the HBC instaled once before. My idea only takes one person who is willing to do this all they need to do is copy the HBC onto an SD card and then e-mail the channel and the folder(s) to one of us and we will try and see if it works and if it does we e-mail it to the rest. So if anyone feals like helping with this idea e-mail the folder(s) and channel to me at lunerdragon@gmail.com.
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 17, 2009 04:38AM
Sorry to rain on your parade, but I'm pretty sure it won't work... (not 100%, so you could still try if you like)
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 17, 2009 05:12AM
You can email me at master_nl-link@live.com I'll see what can modifications should I do to make it work.
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 17, 2009 05:18AM
And NL_Link when you get it can you send it to me? lunerdragon@gmail.com
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 17, 2009 07:00AM
If you have 4.0 it won't work with TP. the way i'm thinking about you would need to have had the HBC instaled once before. My idea only takes one person who is willing to do this all they need to do is copy the HBC onto an SD card and then e-mail the channel and the folder(s) to one of us and we will try and see if it works and if it does we e-mail it to the rest. So if anyone feals like helping with this idea e-mail the folder(s) and channel to me at lunerdragon@gmail.com.

1.) That will never work, because the Wii gives it his own mark!
2.) Stop with that e-mail's
3.) There is a topic about this all!
Re: HBC on the SD card
April 17, 2009 07:15AM
And NL_Link when you get it can you send it to me? lunerdragon@gmail.com
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