Wii Shop Channel goes back to Menu after using WiiSCU
May 18, 2009 11:22PM
A week or two ago, I realized that I wanted to look at the shop channel, but I can't update so I asked a friend how to update the Shop without updating my Wii. He told me WiiSCU obviously. I did it, but now it leads me back to the menu every time.

When I did WiiSCU, I didn't really know what the ISOs or what the hecks were so I didn't update them and only updated the default channels. Do I need to update them or something? I've tried reupdating the Shop Channel but that didn't work.

Please help! :(

Edit: The reason that I'm asking now is that Majora's Mask just came out and I want it pretty badly! Haha.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2009 11:34PM by Poiuy.
Re: Wii Shop Channel goes back to Menu after using WiiSCU
May 18, 2009 11:57PM
You need to update IOS 61 too.
Re: Wii Shop Channel goes back to Menu after using WiiSCU
May 19, 2009 12:20AM
Oh, ok, it worked now. Thanks!
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