Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 08:10PM
My homebrew suddenly stopped working yesterday. Now when I select start from the homebrew channel it just goes to a black screen. The same thing happens when I try to start my wii with reset + power to go to preloader.

The last thing I did before this happened was turn off my wii while running a genesis emulator app (the popular one)...
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 08:23PM
Did you update HBC? Cause if so, use WiiSCU to install IOS60 and 61, then uninstall and reinstall it by using HackMii Installer launched from bannerbomb. BTW, you launch WiiSCU from bannerbomb as well.
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 08:39PM
No I didn't do anything to HBC that I'm aware of.
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 09:46PM
what system menu and HBC version?
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 10:08PM
It was 1.0.3 and whatever the most current system menu is (4.1?).

Update though, I removed hbc from my wii and tried to reinstall with hackmii but it said something about no vulnerable ios's and wouldn't let me do it lol. So I reinstalled hbc from a wad using wad manager launched with bannerbomb. The version I reinstalled was 1.0.1 and it works.

So 1.0.1 works and 1.0.3 doesn't work so I guess the issue was with whatever ios 1.0.3 uses? And preloader still doesn't work...

What ios does 1.0.3 use and how can i restore it if that is the problem? Also any idea on preloader?

ALSO, preloader is still functioning even though I can't boot to its menu. I have remove health and safety warning hack activated and it still removes the warning so I guess its working...?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2009 10:11PM by Justification.
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 10:14PM
IOS 61 is used by 1.0.3. The reason hackmii wouldn't work is that all of your IOS's have been patched with trucha. (did you install cIOScorp maybe?)
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 10:20PM
Yea I installed cioscorp... how can I get around it to upgrade to 1.0.3? And how can I restore ios61 so 1.0.3 works?
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 10:21PM
Updating through Nintendo can remove cIOScorp
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 10:31PM
He is on 4.1 ..... Run anyregion changer it will downgrade you to 3.2. Then just upgrade to 4.1 (again) to 4.1. Bam! cIOScorp removed!
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 10:34PM
he's on 4.1 but all his IOS version no.s are 7 because cIOScorp. all nintendo updates have IOS versions higher than this.update the way it is now and Bam. all IOS are overwritten.
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 10:36PM
Really? I didn't know cIOScorp rewrote the version number. Sorry!
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 10:37PM
nah, it's OK. I believe that's why Hackmii Installer chokes on it.
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 22, 2009 11:33PM
Yeah get rid of cIOScrap, that'll fix a lot of your problems.
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 23, 2009 01:31AM
I'm getting error 32017 when I try to update through the wii...
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 23, 2009 03:10AM
yeah, a general rule of cIOScrap... just stay away from it
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 23, 2009 03:25AM
How can I get rid of it?
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 23, 2009 03:27AM
you can try Dop-IOS to update the IOSs
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 23, 2009 03:44AM
iirc, if you run the cIOScrap installer again, it'll uninstall it
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
August 23, 2009 03:43PM
iirc, if you run the cIOScrap installer again, it'll uninstall it

It won't.
Re: Homebrew stopped working... any ideas?
September 05, 2009 07:58AM
keep getting black screen with "exception (ISI) occurred" here's a vid of what happens... [www.youtube.com]
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