Restoring another wii
October 22, 2009 02:57AM
My friends wii used to ahve homebrew until he updated to 4.1. Now none of the bannerbombs work and we definetly dont want to upgrade to 4.2. I made a backup using bootmii, and if i do update to 4.2, install bootmii, then restore using my backup, will that work or will it screw stuff up?
Re: Restoring another wii
October 22, 2009 04:50AM
It won't screw stuff up if you do that. (AFAIK)
Re: Restoring another wii
October 22, 2009 06:33PM
Updating to 4.2 officially will overwrite boot2, hence overwriting BootMii. If you use dop-IOS MOD, you should be able to update to 4.2 WITHOUT the boot2 update, meaning if something goes wrong, you'll still have BootMii. Seeing as you have BootMii, dop-IOS MOD is reasonanly safe, as if you brick, you can unbrick fairly easily.
Re: Restoring another wii
October 23, 2009 09:46PM
I have bootmii installed as an IOS though. on IOS254
Re: Restoring another wii
October 23, 2009 10:10PM
You can't restore anything if you only have the IOS version of BootMii installed.
Re: Restoring another wii
October 24, 2009 05:11AM
he can but on the restoremii screen he has to press all four buttons (a,b,x,y) on the gamecube controller at the same time for it to work
Re: Restoring another wii
October 24, 2009 05:16AM
he can but on the restoremii screen he has to press all four buttons (a,b,x,y) on the gamecube controller at the same time for it to work
Where the hay did you get that information?
Re: Restoring another wii
October 24, 2009 07:05AM
a youtube video and a few posts on this forum (:
Re: Restoring another wii
October 24, 2009 01:30PM
Its true, but its VERY dangerous. You should NEVER try it, because if something goes wrong during NAND restoration, theres a very signficant chance of a full brick.
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