How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 15, 2009 04:59AM
Is it possible to make a homebrew wii game into a channel of it's own? If so, how?
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 15, 2009 05:04AM
It's illegal 99.9% of the time and extremely complicated. But, if you still want to try, and someone wants to explain it legally, go for it.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 15, 2009 04:58PM
You can use CustomizeMii from the WiiBrew wiki, but it cant donwload legal base WADs for some reason, so for it to be legal, you have to find a legal base WAD yourself and load it. Doubt you'll find one though, almost every WAD is illegal.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 15, 2009 10:37PM
Is there a way to use bannerbomb to install it?
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 15, 2009 10:39PM
Why dont you have the homebrew channel installed?
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 15, 2009 10:43PM
I do, I would just like to make WiiEarth a channel on the menu.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 15, 2009 10:47PM
Well thats fine. My point was merely that if you have the HBC installed then theres no need for bannerbomb.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 15, 2009 11:09PM
Depending on your System Menu, it may not be possible to install the channel without first using a tool (which cannot be named here, but is perfectly legal) to restore the trucha bug to an IOS, and then use that IOS to install the channel.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 16, 2009 07:14PM
But this does keep my current system menu version, correct?
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 16, 2009 09:20PM
Sif Jar
You can use CustomizeMii from the WiiBrew wiki, but it cant donwload legal base WADs for some reason, so for it to be legal, you have to find a legal base WAD yourself and load it.

I have used used CustomizeMii and have not had this problem. Are you unable to download any base WAD or just a particular one?

But this does keep my current system menu version, correct?


Some programs do not seem to work well as channels. Anyway, make sure that you have Preloader or Bootmii as boot2 before installing custom channels as they can banner brick your wii.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 16, 2009 09:41PM
I have not tried it, but I read leathl (dev of CustomizeMii) saying it couldnt currently download legal base WADs as the host site was down. It may be back up now I dunno.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 16, 2009 09:44PM
I see. Well, the host site is back up now.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 17, 2009 12:05AM
1 - 10 With 1 being the least risky of bricking, how likely is it?
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 17, 2009 12:44AM
That is hard to say. If you modify the banner of the base WAD it is more likely to brick than if you do not. In any case, a banner brick is easy to fix with Preloader or Bootmii installed as boot2. All you need to do to fix it is use Preloader or Bootmii to load the Homebrew Channel, run the WAD installer, and have it uninstall the WAD that caused the brick.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 17, 2009 02:51AM
1 - 10 How good are you at following complex instructions. Negate the number. (So if you say 1, the negation is 9) And thats how risky it is on a scale of 1 - 10.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 17, 2009 07:13PM
With CustomizeMii, it should be safe, because it will check the banner I think before putting it in the WAD, so it shouldn't bannerbrick. However, still have preloader or BootMii as boot2 installed before trying anything.
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 19, 2009 01:45AM
why has no one made a progrma that checks the banner in a wad?
Re: How do you make homebrew wii game a channel?
November 19, 2009 06:28PM
Did you read my last post? As I said, CustomizeMii DOES check the banner. As does ChannelMaker3 upon which it is based.
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