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Transfering Save Via SD Card

Posted by elmoreas 
Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 11, 2009 11:43PM
I have more than one Wii with the same WiiWare game(s) on each and one game, Texas Hold'em Poker, I have unlocked all venues and have a ton of cash on my main Wii and I want to transfer that save to my other Wii's. But the problem is this game has the copy and move options grayed out, which means it cannot be moved. Saved game extractor and installer is only for Disc based games, since this is not piracy related and I can prove with pictures if need be that I have it on each Wii, can someone tell me if there is a way to transfer this type of saved WiiWare game file? Thanks in advance to those who help. Happy holidays.


P.S.- I don't have a modchip in either of these two Wiis, only HBC and trucha bug on IOS 36, they both run system menu v4.2 Sorry if this is in the wrong place or impinges on the rules but I think it is a clean/accurate post. Thanks again.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 11, 2009 11:53PM
Seeing as you have trucha bug on IOS36, you could probably use FSToolbox to extract the save and install it again manually, but be warned this is dangerous. If you have BootMii as boot2 on both Wiis, and a NAND dump, go for it. If not, I would stay away.

I'll try and find out exactly what you would have to do, and update my post in about 5 mins.

EDIT: WARNING: It is advised on the Wiki page NOT to install files with FSToolbox, but I have seen several videos of people doing it with no problems. However, if you do not have BootMii as boot2 on BOTH Wiis, dont even think about doing this.

FSToolbox can be found here: [wiibrew.org]

Run it and select IOS36 to use. Then navigate to the directory "title" then "00010000", then the title ID of the game in question, in hex. In this case that is "57504bxx", where xx is the region. PAL is 50, NTSC-U is 45, NTSC-J is 4A. Others can be found here : [wiibrew.org]. Inside this directory there should be two directories : "content" and "data". Dump all contents of each directory, by scrolling to each one and pressing "-".

Then exit the app. On the next Wii, make sure you have a save for the game. Then navigate to the same place. This time, when you go into the data and content directories, instead of dumping each file, overwrite each file with the one from the SD card by pressing "+" instead of "-".

Then exit the app. You should now have the save transferred. BTW, if you do this, I take no responsibility for anything that happens to either of your wiis. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BOOTMII AS BOOT2 BEFORE TRYING THIS, or you may well regret it.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2009 12:12AM by SifJar.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 12, 2009 12:27AM
I wish wish wish I had bootmii as boot2 on my Wiis I don't even have it on one of them. (Cry) Any chance there is another method, a safer method, I doubt it but it doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks for the help though. Perhaps someone else with the same issue with boomii as boot2 will get some use out of it.

Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 12, 2009 12:38AM
I dont think there is any tool for VC/WW gamesaves I'm afraid. Sorry.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 12, 2009 07:14PM
Have you looked at Savegame Manager? You need IOS249 (i.e. cIOS) for it, but you could install tona's patchmii one and it should work. I dunno if it works for non-disc games or not, but it does not seem to require you to insert the disc, so i would assume it may work.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 12, 2009 09:55PM
Yeah, savegame manager does support VC/WiiWare
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 12, 2009 10:24PM
There problem solved. Wish I'd thought of that before typing out that big post above...:(
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 14, 2009 09:24PM
Any chance telling me how to compile patchmii is not against the rules? I ask because I took several attempts at it and keep getting errors saying that there is a make error, too many refrences to a certain lib, libm I think, and or that there was a make error the build target was invaild, but thats wrong because I have typed it in by hand several times as well as leaving it the way the makefile has it. Plus I cannot find some of the lib's in my devkitPro file that are listed in the makefile. I am still new to devkitPro, but I think all around I just am not capable of compiling this without help. Any chance you could lend your knowledge and help me compile the code, or find some other way to get patchmii so I can install that IOS and then install savegame manager? If you want to send me a file I can give you my email address in a PM just PM me and I will send you my email address. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.


Edit: Here is what it says exactly.

int test_cios(void){
int ret, cfd;
static u8 fbuffer[0x40] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
static tikview viewdata[0x10] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32);
u32 views;
static u64 tid ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN(32) = TITLE_ID(1,2);

ret = ES_SetUID(TITLE_ID(1,2));
printf("SetUID: %d\n", ret);

tid = TITLE_ID(0x10001,0x48415858);
//tid = TITLE_ID(1, 2);

ret = ES_GetNumTicketViews(tid, &views);
if (ret < 0) {
printf(" Error! ES_GetNumTickets (ret = %d)\n", ret);
return ret;

if (!views) {
printf(" No tickets found!\n");
return 0;
} else if (views > 16) {
printf(" Too many ticket views! (views = %d)\n", views);
return 0;

ret = ES_GetTicketViews(tid, viewdata, 1);
if (ret < 0)
printf("Error! ES_OpenTitleContent (ret = %d)\n", ret);
return 0;

ret = ES_OpenTitleContent(tid, viewdata, 0);
printf("ES_OpenTitleContent: %d\n", ret);
if (ret < 0)
printf("Error! ES_OpenTitleContent (ret = %d)\n", ret);
return 0;

cfd = ret;

ret = ES_ReadContent(cfd,fbuffer,0x40);
printf("ES_ReadContent: %d\n", ret);

hex_print_array16(fbuffer, 0x40);

ret = ES_CloseContent(cfd);
if (ret < 0)
printf("Error! ES_CloseContent (ret = %d)\n", ret);
return 0;
return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int ret = 0;
int current_ios;


current_ios = IOS_GetVersion();

printf("cIOS rev%02d Clone Installer - patchmii port v%d\n", CIOS_REVISION, INSTALLER_VERSION);
printf("This software comes with NO WARRANTY!\n\n\n");

if (current_ios == 249){
printf("cIOS seems to be installed. Do you want to uninstall it?\n");
if (yes_or_no())
} else {
printf("Are you sure you want to install the cIOS clone?\n");

if (yes_or_no())
ret = install_cIOS_clone();

if (ret)
printf("ERROR Installing cIOS: %d\n", ret);
printf("\nThank you come again! (Press any key to exit)\n");

return 0;

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2009 10:00PM by elmoreas.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 14, 2009 10:31PM
Any chance telling me how to compile patchmii is not against the rules?
Why don't you read the rules for yourself? Or you could just look at the authors of patchmii and take a guess.

errors saying that there is a make error, too many refrences to a certain lib, libm I think, and or that there was a make error the build target was invaild, but thats wrong because I have typed it in by hand several times as well as leaving it the way the makefile has it.
If you don't even know what errors you have, how is anyone supposed to help you? I'd bet you'd get more help if you posted the compiler errors instead of posting a huge piece of code you don't understand.

find some other way to get patchmii so I can install that IOS and then install savegame manager?
You clearly dont even know what you want. You want an IOS that accepts fakesigning so you can install an acceptable IOS 249. Patchmii is just a fancy name that used for an outdated application to install one. Use Trucha Bug Restorer to get one. I strongly recommend reading then entire page before you use it in the interest of not harming your Wii.

If you want to send me a file I can give you my email address in a PM just PM me and I will send you my email address.
This is public forum. Why do you think you can get more out of private help from a single person instead of the whole world?

Regarding the posted patchmii installer source:
Please don't post code unless you use the code formatting, only post the relevant parts, and understand the very basics of programming in general. Just posting code for the sake of it not only mucks up the topic, it's poor etiquette towards your fellow forum members.

Regarding yourself in general:
It would do you a lot of good to spend a little time filling in the huge gaps in your knowledge by reading our wiki.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2009 01:31AM by Arikado.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 15, 2009 01:17AM
Hey there is no need to get rude, when did this become flame the newb? I admitted I didn't know what I was doing, I posted a request for help and put the code in later after realizing the obvious ommission of it in the first posting. I also said I didn't know what I was doing so that people would understand I don't really understand how to ask the question correctly. I am not even going to bother to reply to each attack you made against me, nor will I insult you back, and its not because your the admin. What I will say, I am a newb, I am looking for help, I am learning, you only learn by asking and reading and I have read all the lesson/tutorials I could find, so I asked the best way I could. I know you are the admin and you can do whatever you want, but I would appreciate it if you would not attack/insult me. You have a post that I contributed to about making the board a better place, doing what you just did, is a definite way not to make it better and a quick way to make me change what I said about the board and its administration. But what do I matter right, I am just some newb you can ban and be done with. I know we all have bad days and perhaps today was a bad one for you and if so I am sorry you had a bad day, or if I misunderstood what you posted to be an attack really wasn't then I appologize. I hope the rest of your day is good. If someone could help me to understand how to even ask the right question, I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Have a happy holidays.


Edit: I have read TBR and used it a week or so ago for IOS 36 to get full use of gecko os on 4.2 back but save game manager doesn't work cause it requires 249, at least according to the post above.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2009 01:21AM by elmoreas.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 15, 2009 02:58PM

I'm truly sorry if you saw that as flaming. I know I was a little rough, but I ensure you I had only the best intentions of helping you. My philosophy of helping people sometimes tends to be 'Break them down to we can build them back together'. I'll admit that most people don't like when I break their posts apart, however some people do absolutely love it. It's truly hard to find a way to be idiomatically appealing to everyone.

I am truly sorry that you did not appreciate the connotation of my post, and I promise to be much gentler and kinder to you in the future.

Now to help you,
Basically, run trucha bug restorer to get IOS 36, an IOS that accepts fake signing. Then find a way to install an IOS that accepts fake signing as IOS 249. There are many ways to do this, but most are not supported on our forums as they are done so only for warez. I recommend a little google searching ;)

Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 15, 2009 03:28PM
I think I will just drop this cause the word warez means piracy and I dont support that and I dont mind saying it out loud either. I thought I could get 249 in a legit way and use it once to get this particular saved game and then uninstall savegame manager and uninstall the fakesigning 249 back to its original state so I would not be considered a pirate. If I do continue to do this I have no idea how to get a legit 249 but I will check google first but I have a feeling its going to all be warez. Thanks for bending the rules a bit to at least tell me that much. I appreciate it. Sorry if I took your post wrong, I am not a big baby or anything and you don't have to be "gentle" with me, but kind would be nice, I just believe in treating others as I would want to be treated. Thanks again for the info. Hope you have a happy holidays.


P.S. I keep getting errors every time I try to compile something in devkitpro other than hello world, any chance you know of any lessons or tutorials other than the ones linked on the wiibrew's devkitpro page. Thanks.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 15, 2009 10:12PM
You can use TBR itself to install an IOS249 which should work. Run the app again, choosing to run on IOS36. Then select the IOS36 menu. Enable all the patches, and at the top it says something along the lines of "Install to IOS slot:" and then a number, by default 36. Change the number to 249, then choose Install. This will download and patch IOS36 and install it to IOS249. Then Savegame Manager will work.
Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 16, 2009 06:54AM
Sweet thank you, nice work around. I didn't know TBR could do that or I would have done that and skipped all this. Ha ha :D Anyways I will give it a try and report back, if I have any issues I will write down exactly what it says. Thanks again.

Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 18, 2009 12:44AM
It didnd't work, it says that my IOS 36 rev is newer than the 3351 that it is trying to install so it fails and goes back to HBC. No side effects but it leaves me back at square one. I tried google searching too and couldn't even find a decent w***z method for 249, not that I would have done it since I don't support that kind of thing. So with this much time put into it and no luck I think I am just going to drop it and beat the game again on each of my other 2 consoles, I think it would be easier and faster, especially since all I wanted 249 for was to transfer one saved game file. Thanks for all the help guys. I still wish I could have figured out how to compile the patchmii core, not for using the 249, not now anyways, but because if I did that, then I would have had my first sucess in using devkitPro other than hello world. It seems no matter what I try to compile I get the same errors that there is a make error that one file or another, depending on what I am compiling is being referenced too many times, and that there is always a missing or misnamed file as it expected one thing and got another. I have no idea what I am doing wrong and have read through all the tutorials so either I messed up the install, or I flat out just suck at this and don't havve a clue at what I am doing and will never get it right. And it is probably the latter. So I think I am about to give up on devkitPro and enroll in a night class for PC programming at IVY Tech and learn C/C+/C++ and then try again in a couple months once I have a remote chance in understanding what I am doing. Thanks again for all the help guys it is much appreciated. Talk to you later.

Re: Transfering Save Via SD Card
December 18, 2009 07:29PM
waninkoko's cIOS installer is not illegal or warez, it can just be used for warez.

also, try uninstalling and reinstalling devkitPro, sounds like there may be an error with your installation.
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