(HB idea) TeamPlay
May 24, 2010 03:26AM
I was thinking and came up with this idea, wanted to know from the coders if it is possible.
Remember: I dont code and probably wont be making this but this is an idea I wanted to get out there.

Basically, Nintendo has neglected online support for almost all of its recent wii titles, and some of the other developers have also. what if we can make EVERY wii game online compatible?

The interface

It would use a Host/Join system, and the user would make a username, and his server would have a server name and password (no server list) The lobby would show four Wii remotes with your username under each wii remote so you know who is who. The host would be player one (obviously) and the second person who joins would be 2, third would be 3, fourth would be 4. it probably couldn't use wiispeak, so it could recomend using a phone, Skype, or an Xbox Live Party. it would have the wii menu music and it would look similar to the menu. While in a game, when you push the home button, the normal menu would appear except the back to wii menu would be Exit from TeamPlay.

How it would work.

Upon entry, the wii would use a Gecko OS like system to scan each game, and make sure they are all identical. Then (here comes the tricky part) the wii would take the hosts save file, and send it to the other players. The players original saved game would be moved to another folder and the downloaded game would be replaced for the normal save. When you exit, your temporary save would be deleted and the original save restored, and just incase something happens and it is not restored a restore option would be available from the main menu. all of the layers movements/actions would be transfer to the host, and then rebroadcasted. If a player leaves the game a simple white text would appear on the bottom of the screen.

Thanks for reading, and please reply!
Re: (HB idea) TeamPlay
May 24, 2010 04:52AM
If we had about 64MB more, unused RAM, this might be feasible. But we don't. Gecko hooks, which take up kilobytes, are hard to fit into memory.
Re: (HB idea) TeamPlay
May 24, 2010 08:41AM
If it doesn't have something similar already then that would be cool functionality to see added to the Dolphin emulator but realistically I don't think it would be even technically possible to achieve on an actual Wii without maybe doing an absurd and unrealistic amount of modification to each individual game that you want to run with this which seems unlikely to happen (there is some cool stuff being being accomplished with modding games but I doubt it will ever really get far past the point of just swapping out textures in Mario Kart or changing a few variables in Smash Bros).
Re: (HB idea) TeamPlay
May 24, 2010 01:19PM
This is 100% possible, but very very difficult if RAM is not an issue. If it is, and it is, this becomes impossible.


About hacking: it's possible to modify ASM, and that means we can do just about anything. It's not easy, in fact it's extremely hard, and you basically need a USB Gecko. Those are no longer made; the schematics are gone as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2010 01:24PM by WikiFSX.
Re: (HB idea) TeamPlay
May 24, 2010 06:44PM
but I doubt it will ever really get far past the point of just swapping out textures in Mario Kart or changing a few variables in Smash Bros).

It has already gotten far past the point of changing a few variables in Smash Bros...
Re: (HB idea) TeamPlay
May 26, 2010 12:50AM
Just a question, could it be possible to implement a swap file of sorts to get by the RAM problem? just curious
Re: (HB idea) TeamPlay
May 26, 2010 12:37PM
Just a question, could it be possible to implement a swap file of sorts to get by the RAM problem? just curious

Technically? Yes. Practically, it'd be way too slow.
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